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In All Things
William Van Ornum
Water has held a special place in the world right from the start In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth the earth was a formless wasteland and darkness covered the abyss while a mighty wind swept over the waters Soon the fishes filled the waters and the scene was set fo
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
A graphic look at the Ground Zero Mosque controversy courtesy of Mark A Schmidt
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
shortest one act play Belgian s Cardinal Godfried Danneels met with a victim of sexual assault now 42 and his uncle-perpetrator Bishop Robert Vangheluwe in early April The bishops spoke freely because they did not understand the conversation was being taped and would not be kept secret as
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
The British media are today running a story as is the NYT from the weekend s Belgian press that the former Archbishop of Brussels Cardinal Godfried Danneels sought to persuade the victim of abuse by a bishop to stay quiet nbsp On 23 April -- see my post here -- that bishop 73-year-old Roger V
In All Things
Maureen O'Connell
Artists from the Gulf Coast know a thing or two of what Pope Benedict meant when a year ago he rhetorically asked artists in the Sistine Chapel ldquo What is capable of restoring enthusiasm and confidence what can encourage the human spirit to rediscover its path to raise its eyes to the horizon
In All Things
ldquo What are you working on rdquo One of the staff in the office of the Pauw Wow the Saint Peter rsquo s College student paper was fixed intently on his computer screen A big story ldquo I rsquo m talking to one of my friends rdquo he replied ldquo Great rdquo I said ldquo How