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Politics & SocietyShort Take
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
When we enjoy our outrage and savor Martin Shkreli’s defeat, we might not notice that such outrage is, in this case, the voice of conscience.
Pope Francis' 79th Birthday, and the Candle on his Cake (Courtesy of Reuters)
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
At the Vatican today a young girl presented a birthday cake to Pope Francis, who now finds himself 79 years young.
Michael Wear
In All Things
Sean Salai
Michael Wear: 'It is critical that Christians find themselves not just in the comfortable corridors of our churches, but out there in the public square.'
Protesters demonstrate during a rally in London Nov. 29, ahead of the U.N. climate change conference, known as the COP21 summit, in Paris. (CNS photo/Suzanne Plunkett, Reuters)
In All Things
Anthony Annett
While the Paris agreement does not deliver the solution itself, it delivers a solid foundation from which the solution can be built. What matters now is political will, and the translation of this will into concrete action on the ground.
In All Things
Jim McDermott
As some politicians’ words seed fear or despair, how nice it can be to turn elsewhere and be reminded of the goodness that lies within us.
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
To say that all this is complicated is not to evade hard questions, but to insist on hard study.