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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
A pastor in Oak Park Ill has apologized to the women and women religious of his parish for the Vatican s insensitive and harsh words nbsp Here is the story from the local newspaper the Journal of Oak Park and River Forest Rev Larry McNally pastor of Ascension Parish in Oak Park couldn t
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cambridge MA Turning 60 seems to be the kind of event that deserves some attention I have been pondering this fact for a number of months but now with increasing awareness mdash today being August 17 my birthday just two days away but I am still not sure whether it is really a significant ma
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Since this list is getting some play on the web I figured I would post it here since I wrote it nbsp I had cobbled together this top-ten list for the promotion of The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything and it will appear in the paperback edition some time next year nbsp Let me know if I lef
In All Things
Maureen O Connell in a post below has already registered her alarm at the commodification of spiritual longings in the marketing of the new movie Eat Pray Love nbsp She also predicted that the movie may not simply be a disappointment but actually dangerous nbsp Now in his review Harry Forbe
In All Things
George M. Anderson
As an early riser at 5 a m on weekdays I tune into Radio Wado the Spanish language radio station in the greater New York City area With its mix of ldquo noticias deportes y mas rdquo I can listen to the news and move ahead a bit on my Spanish language comprehension Even the ads help The an
In All Things
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Via the Daily Dish Cardinal Sean O rsquo Malley rsquo s thoughts on the ldquo Ground Zero Mosque rdquo as told to an interviewer for FOX News I told her it is a sign of the value we have for freedom in this country and for religious freedom in particular We certainly do not want to support gr