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In All Things
Kerry Weber
There s been some debate in the U K over who should pay for the upcoming papal visit According to the BBC nbsp The total bill for the invited visit mdash without the cost of police and security mdash is estimated by the Foreign Office to be about pound 15m Of this pound 7m will come from t
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Looking for some good solid basic inviting user-friendly books on the faith nbsp My friend Msgr Peter Vaghi a nbsp fine writer indefatigable priest and pastor of Little Flower Church in Bethesda Md is hard at work on a fine new series of books on our faith that would prove inordinately u
In All Things
Tim Reidy
America is pleased to announce our formal partnership with Mirada Global a multilingual Web site that brings together articles from Jesuit publications in North and South America Like America Mirada Global is for the general reader not academics and covers a variety of subjects from religion a
In All Things
William Van Ornum
ldquo Ever since childhood when I lived within earshot of the Boston and Maine I have seldom heard a train go by and not wished I was on it rdquo Paul Theroux and I share this memory only I lived near the tracks of the Chicago and North Western ldquo Those whistles sing bewitchment railways
In All Things
Kerry Weber
During my travels to New Orleans this past June I saw first-hand the good work that Catholic Charities of New Orleans is doing to help those affected by the oil spill in the Gulf including Chris Nelhig the fisherman pictured at right Catholic Charities has provided food rent assistance and cou
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
This month on newsstands and in bookstores you ll find a terrific new book which I highly recommend To coincide with the centennial of the birth of Mother Teresa Time has published nbsp Mother Teresa at 100 The Life and Works of a Modern Saint It s a fantastic introduction to her life writte