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Dominican Sisters of Hope Bette Ann Jaster (center, left) and Nancy Erts (center, right) joined with other members to represent Religious Organizations Along the (Hudson) River at the Rally.
In All Things
Bette Ann Jaster, O.P.
"I am fixed on Paris and all it holds, both in peril and in promise."
Austen Ivereigh with Pope Francis (photo provided)
In All Things
Sean Salai
An interview with journalist and author Austen Ivereigh on the radical reforms of the Francis papacy
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Few sisters cite their congregation’s “progressive” or “traditional” reputation as a factor in their decision to enter.
Screenshot of Frank Sinatra from the trailer for the film Pal Joey, 1957 (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)
In All Things
Angela Alaimo O'Donnell
A century after Frank Sinatra's birth, his voice still expresses our longings and loneliness, our joys and our sorrows, our fears and our hopes, our pasts and tomorrows.
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Underlying Donald Trump's rant against Muslims seems to be a deep ignorance of Islam, and the loud pretense that such ignorance is not a problem.
Photo from OpenTheseDoors.com.
Nathan Schneider
Advent campaign calls on Cardinal Dolan to open up New York's shuttered churches to the city's homeless.