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In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Chicago Once again the opportunity to blog for America puts me in the position of commenting on topics beyond my expertise but I cannot let pass without mention the 700th anniversary of the death of Marguerite Porete the medieval Christian mystic who was condemned for heresy and burnt at the stak
In All Things
George M. Anderson
I am still a novice blogger Yes I have done a few over the past couple of years but word has now come down that America rsquo s associate editors are to blog on a regular basis Some already blog prolifically and in my mind rsquo s eye I see their fingers flying over their computer keyboards as
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Greg Boyle S J founder of Homeboy Industries and author of Tattoos on the Heart which we reviewed here nbsp in our piece Hope for Homies was interviewed on May 20 on NPR s Fresh Air with Terry Gross Back in April he was also a guest on the America podcast As John Coleman S J repor
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
As the international reaction to Monday s debacle on board the Mavi Marmara nbsp continues Egypt has opened the Rafa crossing to humanitarian relief goods for an unlimited time Naturally there has been a storm of coverage in Israel of the Israeli naval commandos version of riot control A fail
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Rand Paul is the gift that keeps on giving The would-be non-politician politician has established himself as a principled man willing to take bold stands to tell the truth a modern day Mr Smith dressed up in libertarian garb He and his Tea Party crowd aim to throw out the bums who have betraye
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
An apostolic visitation of the Church in Ireland will begin in the autumn the Vatican announced yesterday Two cardinals and three archbishops from the UK the US and Canada will offer assistance to the Bishops clergy religious and lay faithful as they seek to respond adequately to the situatio