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FaithIn All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Two saintly Christians separated by only a few decades in time.
FaithIn All Things
Joe Hoover, S.J.
The Jesuits at the magazine saw themselves as ministering in a country hostile to the Catholic faith and so chose Edmund Campion as their patron.
Father Rene Robert, with hat, is pictured during a 2015 procession for Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine in Florida. The 71-year-old priest was found dead April 18 in Burke County, Ga. (CNS photo/Jean Gonzalez, Florida Catholic).
In All Things
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Father Robert worked in prison ministry, which is how he became acquainted with his killer.
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
In the post-election coming-out party for fake news, people seem more willing to pay for the real thing.
Fr. Dan Horan, O.F.M. (photo provided)
FaithIn All Things
Sean Salai
"There are so many ways that the Christian message can better inform how we respond to our contemporary circumstances."
MagazineIn All Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
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