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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Jack McLain a zombie and comic-book fan and Jesuit priest writes in this week s online Culture section Zombies are all the rage They can be found in reworkings of classic books nbsp and nbsp games in Apple rsquo s App Store They have even spawned a new kind of protest movement that involves
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The second in a series Sometimes you experience a desire for God in very common situations for example standing silently in the snowy woods on a winter s day finding yourself moved to tears during a movie recognizing a strange sense of connection during a church service -- and feeling an inexpr
In All Things
Patricia A. Kossmann
As May is ldquo Mental Health Awareness rdquo month I am acutely reminded of the deaths from Alzheimer rsquo s disease of my aunt at age 69 after a decade-long battle and my cousin rsquo s husband during this past Holy Week Two of his siblings likewise were afflicted and passed away some yea
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Politico has become the must-read site for Washingtonians and others who want to be plugged in Ben Smith rsquo s blog is my favorite but I always scan the rest of the articles Their coverage of the final days of the health care debate was unparalleled But every once in awhile you discover someth
In All Things
William Van Ornum
First an introduction I am a licensed clinical psychologist and a committed Catholic with a strong interest in the ways in which the Christian faith and psychology intersect As a contributor to In All Things I hope to explore these ideas and respond to readers questions about my field of study n
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Tomorrow I vote nbsp And it s not easy I thought it would be made easier by the Citizens UK General Election Assembly on Monday night declaration of interest I helped organize it which was in the words of the Archbishop of Westminster last night the most interesting moment of the election