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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Newsweek in an article by Tim Fernholz has accused me and Peggy Noonan of occupying the mushy middle in the discussion of the clergy sex abuse crisis I have been called many things but mushy is not one of them If anything my worry is that the blogger rsquo s calling to be provocative somet
In All Things
Patricia A. Kossmann
Today April 22 is the 40th anniversary of the day we celebrate Earth a day marked with community and global events intended to heighten awareness of the many threats to the health and well-being of our planet It should remind us that sustained ongoing efforts are required to address these chall
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Although it is the Vatican and the Church in central Europe that have been under the spotlight over abuse recently the media coverage has been so intense that the bishops of England and Wales have felt it necessary to respond publicly to the firestorm in an unusual statement All parishes in Englan
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Pro-life groups led by Virginia rsquo s Governor Bob McDonnell scored an important victory in the state legislature yesterday By a vote of 20-19 the Senate in the Commonwealth of Virginia passed a law restricting the use of state Medicaid funds for abortions except in cases of rape incest or t
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
The Vatican cardinal whose contempt for civil authorities was revealed last week in a 2001 letter to a French bishop has been disinvited by a traditionalist Catholic group who wanted him to celebrate a Old Rite Mass at the Cathedral in Washington DC The Paulus Institute who had spent three years p
In All Things
Tim Reidy
As the May 6 election in Britain nears Matt Malone S J reports from London on the ever tightening race to control the next parliament Not long ago the Conservative leader David Cameron was the favorite to lead his party to victory but the recent surge of the Liberal Democrats and Nick Clegg