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In All Things
Tim Reidy
Two weeks ago I traveled to Anaheim California with three members of our staff for the annual Los Angeles Religious Education Congress Many friends of the magazine were there including Richard Gaillardetz from the University of Toledo who gave a talk provocatively titled Do We Need a Vatican
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The sexual abuse crisis that continues to rock our church is about many things power secrecy sin crime stupidity sickness and so on nbsp nbsp One thing that it is not about is chastity nbsp While lay men and lay women not to mention parents would have doubtless done a better job at blo
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
At its deepest level the sexual abuse crisis and most especially the manner in which the hierarchy has responded to it entails profound cultural issues Yesterday I looked at two issues that were proximate to the crisis but today I would like to look at a couple of issues that are more deeply i
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Two tales out of one city Rome leave me wondering if some of the priests who finally get it about the sexual abuse crisis may be found in an order that has endured what can only be described as extraordinary revelations of abuse while some at the Vatican are prepared to continue digging deeper
In All Things
I was rooting at Oscar time for the documentary The Most Dangerous Man in America Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers to win for best documentary in the event another good film The Cove won Those who remember Errol Morris rsquo 2004 Oscar-winning documentary The Fog of War Ele
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
I know that some people think Hell must have just frozen over because I am about to pay a compliment to George Weigel But his post at First Things says some things that need to be said At the most basic level before we move on to discuss how the Vatican must change its ways or what the current