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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
What should the Obama administration and congressional leaders push next now that they have won the health care debate Finance reform passed a Senate panel yesterday and it is undoubtedly needed but the bill passed on a straight party-line vote and finance reform is another highly complicated is
In All Things
Karen Sue Smith
Some onlookers might find it problematic or even scandalous that a group of nuns supported the current health care reform bill whereas the U S Catholic bishops opposed it in pursuit of stronger protections against the possibility of abortion coverage and worried about costs Some news reports seeme
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It is funny to witness how so many people assessing the same set of characters and facts can reach such extraordinarily different conclusions The question in attentive Catholic circles was the same however Did he cave The quot he quot in question is pro-life Congressman Bart Stupak who refus
In All Things
Valerie Schultz
I have surely written this before but I love the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress and I want to thank every person who has the smallest hand in bringing this gathering into being each year The workshops are enlightening and alternately challenging and affirming The liturgies and other c
In All Things
Drew Christiansen
Is now online Read it here Drew Christiansen S J nbsp
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
NBC News is reporting that Michigan Congressman Bart Stupak the leader of twelve pro-life Democrats who have refused to support the final health care bill until their concerns were met has decided to vote yes on the health care bill Stupak was in negotiations with the White House and Health