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University of Missouri students chant “join the revolution” in Speaker’s Circle on Nov. 5, 2015, during a Concerned Student 1950 demonstration. Religion News Service photo by Hanna Yowell
In All Things
Olga Segura
Students across the country have staged sit-ins and marches, demanding U.S. schools acknowledge that racism is an issue.
People in Paris form a human solidarity chain Nov. 15 near the site of the attack at the Bataclan concert hall (CNS photo/Pascal Rossignol, Reuters).
FaithIn All Things
Thomas Rosica, C.S.B.

Editors Note, Feb. 25, 2019: America has become aware that this article included extensive unattributed material from other sources. Accordingly, we have removed the text.

In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
A profound meditation on suffering, death and reconciliation, which may help as we reflect on the terrible murders in Paris.
In All Things
Clayton Sinyai
Proponents of free trade make an important point when they observe that reduced trade barriers have played an important role in lifting hundreds of millions in the third world out of poverty, but the “benefits” to American workers are far more dubious.
The Guadelupe Conference of January 1979--From left to right: Helmut Schmidt, Jimmy Carter, Valery Giscard d'Estaing and James Callaghan
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
What today's politicians could learn from this incessant cigarette smoker, sailor and statesman-intellectual who endured a painful past while working toward a better though realistic future
In All Things
Ellen K. Boegel
Religious colleges, group homes and medical service providers must comply with the A.C.A. unless they give notice they are eligible for a religious accommodation.