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In All Things
Kerry Weber
November marks Black Catholic History Month, which was founded by the National Black Catholic Congress in 1990.
A woman holds onto her children during a special Mass in Los Angeles in July 2014 honoring immigrants (CNS photo/Victor Aleman, Vida-Nueva.com).
In All Things
Ellen K. Boegel
In 2012 the Obama administration, frustrated by Congress’s failure to pass the DREAM Act, launched a policy initiative that grants young people who came to the United States as children limited authorization to work and live in the country.
President John F. Kennedy Greeting His Son at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day, November 11, 1963
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
President Kennedy knew personally what war was and what it meant, for he had seen many of his comrades die in World War II.
Gus Lloyd (Gus Lloyd Ministries)
In All Things
Sean Salai
'I think it best to share the story of how a relationship with God has positively affected our lives.'
A screenshot from my Facebook news feed this morning.
Nathan Schneider
If Facebook cares about us, it should governed by a structure that is principally, not secondarily, accountable to us.
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Apart from the YouTube star and his apparent fans, I can't find any other Starbucks-frenzied Christians out there.