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Afghan mother holds her baby as she struggles to disembark raft during a rainstorm in Lesbos, Greece, Oct. 23 (CNS photo/Yannis Behrakis, Reuters).
In All Things
Edward W. Schmidt, S.J.
In a statement released last week, the leaders of the Jesuits in Europe express their deep concern for the refugees who have flooded into Europe this year and lay out new policies for addressing the situation.
In All Things
Valerie Schultz
As grateful as I am for the health and well being of my family, as thankful as I am for the abundant blessings of my life, I know I have more to do. More to pray about. More to love.
Maureen O'Hara (1920-2015): The Mary Kate Danaher of "The Quiet Man"
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
No more than any other person, whether famous or “ordinary,” Maureen O'Hara had her trials and tribulations and yet, somehow, she continued to thrive despite them.
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Pope Francis encouraged all participants to speak freely: "Let no one say, 'This cannot be said.'" And they did. Conversation was open, lively, and sometimes contentious.
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cambridge MA The semester is passing speedily and we are past the half-way point I realize then that I still have not called your attention to the wonderful exhibit currently at the Fogg Harvard rsquo s gloriously refurbished art museum quot Corita Kent and the Language of Pop quot nbsp Sis
A mother holds her child at the Synod on the family on Oct. 24. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The decision to not to include women has to do with the family. Sexism is something that many, if not most, of our mothers, daughters and sisters have to deal with.