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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
A public letter to Congressman Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island from Bishop Thomas J Tobin in which Bishop Tobin says I m not sure you fulfill the basic requirements of being a Catholic nbsp It was published in the Rhode Island Catholic here nbsp H T Robert Mickens nbsp The text of the
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Some liberal Democrats are up in arms about the Stupak Amendment even though many of those same liberal Democrats voted for the final bill which included that Amendment They need to remember however that the objective here is to pass a health care bill and that inflammatory rhetoric may not help
In All Things
Chris Chatteris, S.J.
Not long ago the debate was whether it was happening at all Today the question is whether global warming and consequent climate disruption will destroy industrial civilization as we know it and if so how quickly A sense of just how far we have moved can be found in the debate between environment-
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
It s always interesting to hear what the secular media makes of Jesuit education nbsp Here s a great piece by Amy Sullivan of Time on University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy fondly known as U of D High nbsp It focuses primarily on the school s commitment to educating youth in inne
In All Things
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Tonight in Virginia John Allan Muhammad will be executed for a murder in 2002 that was part of a weeks-long killing spree that left ten dead in the greater Washington D C area nbsp Known initially only as ldquo the sniper rdquo Muhammad terrorized the region for weeks before he was finally
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Saturday afternoon football games always feature an ad for the universities engaged in gridiron combat These ads usually consist of pictures of happy co-eds frolicking on well trimmed lawns interspersed with shots of students in laboratories or studying at the library Sometimes a famous professor