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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Much attention has rightly been focussed on the irrational aspects of right-wing protesters especially those whose irrationality is rooted in racism But the Left has its irrationalities as well and some of them are on full display these days The most obvious was the sad spectacle of the rostrum
In All Things
Tom Beaudoin
The 28 September issue of America has a very interesting article by Alfred McBride titled A Sturdy Framework A Defense of the Bishops New High School Catechesis Recently on this blog I tried to buck up William O Malley s splendid article raising questions about the new US Bishops document o
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
After a night that exploded in looting gunfire and teargas and a day of ldquo absolute chaos rdquo in the capital city events on the ground in Honduras are escalating dangerously out of control Patrick Ahern a U S journalist based in Tegucigalpa told America today Thousands of demonstrators
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
The story is breaking that Pope Benedict XVI will be visiting the UK next year possibly to beatify Cardinal Newman But neither Downing St nor the Holy See are confirming or saying when -- so there s really not a lot to report And given that we knew he was going to visit next year at some point
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
I received an email this morning from a dear friend in Paris to whom I had written yesterday congratulating him on the new nuncio being sent to Avenue President Wilson the French nunciature Among other things my correspondent wrote For Europeans the battle Obama is forced to fight on the hea
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The banking industry is objecting to two government initiatives which leads me to the conclusion that both programs should go forward quickly The first and funniest in its way is the Obama administration rsquo s decision to enact a government takeover of the student loan business That rsquo s