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In All Things
Valerie Schultz
nbsp nbsp nbsp My dad died on the Fourth of July Tired of his losing battle against congestive heart failure and kidney failure he had decided on July 2 to stop his thrice weekly dialysis treatments The hospice people came to the house and set him up with a hospital bed a sweet and caring nu
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Race remains an issue that cuts through American culture and society like a scythe The arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr has captured the imagination of the country and it is not difficult to see why The story only works because Gates is black and the arresting officer was white
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
The water stoup at the entrance to my parish church has been removed Our priest will not give Communion on the tongue only in the hand And we no longer shake hands to give the peace but put our hands together bow slightly and make smiling Indian gestures to each other nbsp It is not trendy l
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is simply wrong when he states as he did the other day that decisions about whether or not to cover abortions with federally funded tax dollars should be left to medical experts in the field The issue here is not a medical issue but a political one Will
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Only days after the the Episcopal Church TEC at Anaheim Calif defied the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lambeth Conference by agreeing to resume gay blessings and consecrations of actively gay bishops -- read MSW here -- comes news that 34 American bishops have defied the defiers The rebels
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
A reflection for today s Feast of St Mary Magdalene for Living with Christ Thanks to The Da Vinci Code millions of readers and moviegoers suspect falsely that Mary Magdalene was married to Jesus nbsp Thanks to a misguided sermon by Pope Gregory I in the sixth century many of Christians belie