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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
From David Gibson s piece on Politics Daily nbsp As usual provocative nbsp What s with Barack Obama and religion Saint Paul famously said he would be all things to all men and women when he was in equal rights mode for the sake of his beliefs That was no mean feat given that the mission
In All Things
Chris Chatteris, S.J.
Praying with the Pope June 2009 nbsp nbsp nbsp General Intention Foreign Debt Relief That international efforts to help poorer nations may bring prompt concrete results especially to relieve the crushing burden of foreign debt nbsp With the crash of the Western banking system we have seen
In All Things
Tom Beaudoin
Understanding the general fact of many of us in rock cultures having found secular music to offer practices that resist the smallness of our surroundings -- a finding not yet sufficiently glimpsed in another discipline theology tasked with thinking salvific resistance -- can hardly give the richne
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It is election day in Virginia which shares a media market with Washington So this past weekend while watching the Sunday talk shows or the Lakers-Magic game I was bombarded with television spots for the three Democratic candidates for governor This has put me in mind of one of my pet peeves o
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Remember The Mission that great 1986 film about eighteenth-century Jesuits in the Paraguayan jungle starring Robert de Niro and Jeremy Irons Its British director Roland Joffe is making a new Catholic drama - about the early life of Opus Dei and its founder St Josemar iacute a Escriv aacute de
In All Things
Peter Schineller
Two hundred years ago June 8 nbsp 1809 was the cornerstone laying for St Patrick rsquo s Old Cathedral near Canal Street in what was then uptown nbsp New York City nbsp nbsp nbsp That same day nearby in New York City was the death of Thomas Paine author of Common Sense nbsp And an inte