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Members of Sacred Heart Church in McAllen, Texas, participate in virtual town hall meeting with Pope Francis.
In All Things
Mike Russo
This broadcast had several important features offer us a kind of "coming attractions" to the pope’s visit to our country.
Margot Patterson
The influx of refugees to Europe is becoming a defining crisis of our time.
A Catholic Pope and a Presbyterian President: Benedict XV and Woodrow Wilson
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
Joseph McAuley
No two men could have been more different: one was a pope and successor of St. Peter, the other, a political science professor turned politician president.
Olga Segura
Most devastating have been the images of dead children washing onto the Libyan side of the Mediterranean Sea, like that of 3-year-old Aylan.
In All Things
Charles C. Camosy
We should be honest as a culture about the fact that these children are killed not because they are a burden on themselves, but because having a child with Down’s doesn’t meet our expectations.
In All Things
Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer
So why do churches receive tax benefits? One reason is many congregations do “great work.”