Even the earliest Christians realized that we live in two realms mdash one secular another sacred mdash and that neither can easily be separated from the other Often they are opposed but sometimes one can profitably learn from the other This year the Solemnity of Pentecost coincides with the
As you know the liturgical year follows the chronological development of the church Every year we find ourselves in a place between the Ascension and Pentecost In the Feast of the Ascension we find that Jesus mdash who came into the world to reveal who the Father really is mdash was unsuccessful
America its citizens boast has always been a religious nation New York Times columnist Ross Douthat would agree noting that even now interest in Christianity is far from dormant in America not with people like Joel Osteen Glen Beck and Oprah Winfrey growing rich preaching their respective go
One early summer evening shortly after the end of the school term my Dad rather solemnly mdash so it seemed to me mdash took the training wheels off my bike Then while he mowed the lawn my Mom and I slowly walked my two-wheeled test to the school playground at the end of our block I was go
Twenty-eight years of preaching Mother rsquo s Day sermons will seriously deplete one rsquo s supply of stories This year not having recently read anything useful that featured a mother I did what I always do when desperate nbsp I called home nbsp nbsp nbsp ldquo Hello rdquo my mom said
For 30 years I have been on college campuses during exam week I know there are students in this congregation who are preparing for exams mdash over preparing or under preparing There are graduating seniors and folks who may not becoming back to Fordham and I know the emotions that accompany that