Robert Bolt rsquo s play about the martyrdom of Saint Thomas More A Man for All Seasons has seen a lot of them come and go since its premiere in 1960 perhaps because so much of its dialogue is worth the remembering Consider this scene Richard Rich the man who will betray him has just left Mor
In the last movement of Austrian composer Gustav Mahler rsquo s 2nd symphany is found this solo ldquo O believe you were not born in vain you have not lived in vain you have not suffered in vain what has come into being that must perish what has perished must rise again cease from trembling
Strange where generations divide I rsquo m an earlier version of humanity one without the opposable thumbs needed for texting When a younger colleague taught me to text I asked why I would want to do it ldquo Wouldn rsquo t it be easier to telephone rdquo ldquo Easier for the thumbs harde
Nothing better illustrates the radical novelty of the resurrection and its implications for religious life then to juxtapose a famous sardonic quote from the dying Socrates and a seemingly insignificant act of the resurrected Jesus nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbs
Do you remember this scene from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry discovers that the diary he rsquo s found ldquo writes back to him rdquo Harry sat on his four-poster and flicked through the blank pages not one of which had a trace of scarlet ink on it Then he pulled a new bottle
Grandma and Grandpa Herrman had a storm cellar The small limestone-lined space was dug-out beneath their house but one entered it through a door in the backyard just as Dorothy tried unsuccessfully to do in The Wizard of Oz My numerous cousins and I spent a lot of time in our grandparents rsquo