It rsquo s difficult to imagine a biblical passage so well known and yet so utterly incomprehensible to modern readers as Abraham rsquo s near sacrifice of Isaac on Mount Moriah In this age of Tiger Moms and of parents whose lives revolve around their children what are we to make of a story in wh
Lent begins with the sturdy words ldquo Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return rdquo They rsquo re a reminder that the world around us mdash and the world of care and concern we carry daily within us mdash is passing away Like so much of the faith that rsquo s easily asser
In this year of grace 2012 given all the effort that the English-speaking Church is currently expending upon the words that we use in the liturgy it is a comfort to come to a day that almost preaches and prays itself Granted we still have to battle our way through the Third Edition of the Roman
I was searching the web for a video which I wanted for class but YouTube was rather sure that I would prefer to watch one entitled ldquo Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus rdquo Seemed like the sort of thing a college theology prof should take in so I did A couple of weeks later at the end
Remember this scene from John Steinbeck rsquo s depression-era novel The Grapes of Wrath A cook a waitress and two truckers are in a diner on Route 66 Outside A woman in the car a flaxen-haired woman said ldquo See if you can get it here rdquo The man turned off the hose and screwed on
Because my interest in priesthood began in junior high I attended the strangest and most wonderful of high schools a boarding school run by Capuchin Franciscan friars in Hays Kansas Thomas More Prep What was strange Two years before I arrived it had been two separate schools both run by the f