The First Mass took place in a small Eastern Kansas farming community its citizens equally divided between Catholics and Mennonites I was there as the vocation director for the Diocese of Dodge City which Fr Jim the newly ordained had joined while working in the western part of the state A
Grandma Klein took milk in her coffee My parents drank theirs black I remember fetching milk for her from our fridge and her saying ldquo I like a little coffee in my milk rdquo That was the afternoon that I asked her how she had met my grandpa I was in junior high school My grandfather
The Casa de la Solidaridad www scu edu casa is a semester-long Santa Clara University-sponsored study abroad program in El Salvador The following is an edited version of a reflection given by Katie Dorner of Gonzaga University at the farewell Mass for the fall semester The ldquo praxis sites
Ironically one can learn a lot about what it means to be human from the teaching of St Thomas Aquinas on angels Consider for example a contrast the angelic doctor draws between angels and humans Every human being is an individual member of what Aristotle called the human species but St Thoma
The Kansas State Capitol Building is the prettiest in the nation especially when the petunias are in bloom Most Kansas school children visit it my class was no exception The French Renaissance architecture of the exterior is memorable but the John Steuart Curry murals within depicting Kansas h
The sacrament of confession has seen profound changes through the centuries It began with sinners confessing grave sins in front of the bishop and the assembled congregation and then often receiving a life-time of penance During the Middle Ages confession metamorphosed into spiritual direction f