I was given as a gift a copy of Michael Casey s Fully Human Fully Divine Ligouri Press 2004 by someone whom I meet with regularly in spiritual direction He claimed he found the book a remarkable resource for his own prayer and reflection Casey a Trappist monk in Tarrawara Australia i
Since 2007 I have blogged at America Magazine rsquo s ldquo The Good Word rdquo and have enjoyed the practice and habit of blogging immensely ldquo The Good Word rdquo gave me the freedom to write on the topics and passages on which I saw fit and significantly gave me a built in audience sin
Garrison Keillor rsquo s A Christmas Blizzard lies within the tradition of Charles Dickens rsquo s A Christmas Carol the metamorphosis is something of a miracle nbsp Here rsquo s how its protagonist James Sparrow a wealthy Chicago CEO learns that he will be spending Christmas a holiday he rea
As celebrity memoirs go Diane Keaton rsquo s Then Again is unique for three reasons It rsquo s reflective it was actually written by her and it gives voice to not one but two women Diane and her mother Dorothy Keaton explains how it is that we hear two voices in her biography nbsp While Di
In his new novel Lost Memory of Skin Russell Banks wants to disturb us and with a disturbing subject sex offenders No attempt is made to exculpate these men but Russell does want his readers to do what many in society today refuse to do He wants us to see these offenders as men mdash failed s
According to Time Magazine ldquo There was a hand-scrawled sign on the fence post of a cross-roads farm come in for coffee and cake rdquo It was a Yuletide invitation Doesn rsquo t seem all that strange until one learns that the Yule in question was seventy years ago this month and that the p