Earlier this semester I said to a student as I shook his hand after Sunday Mass ldquo Did anyone ever tell you that you look a lot like ldquo Harry Potter rdquo He interrupted me ldquo All the time rdquo ldquo You really do rdquo A few weeks later at Halloween many students had do
Did I ever tell you about Ruth She was a checker at the grocery store my father ran One of my earliest childhood memories was Ruth seeing my toddler self on the arm of my mother pick up a Tootsie Roll to put in my pocket She whispered something into my Mother rsquo s ear After my first ldquo
Jesus said to his disciples Be watchful Be alert You do not know when the time will come It is like a man traveling abroad He leaves home and places his servants in charge each with his own work and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch Watch therefore you do not know when the Lord of the hous
What if you could change history That rsquo s the provocative premiss of Stephen King rsquo s newest offering entitled 11 22 63 A Novel The date of course is that of the Kennedy assassination a watershed moment in modern history But what if there were a way to go back and prevent Lee Har
Earlier this Fall we decided it was time to sell some of the toys the boys now 23 and 15 had accumulated over their childhoods There were too many trucks action figures and games which were no longer needed or useful this does not include Lego wooden train sets wooden castle blocks from Germa
The contradictory nature of Christ rsquo s kingship a sign of contradiction for the world and his followers is not seen in the power that properly belongs to his kingship but the manner in which he lays it down for the nbsp world and for the Church This contradiction reveals not only the heart o