Years ago I served as a dean of students in a seminary college I was surprised perhaps because of my own youth to discover a number of dysfunctions among our students I was particularly amazed by the abuse of alcohol which seemed little different from any other college campuses despite our
In August I raised the question of whether Catholic theology understands Adam and Eve as real historical persons especially in light of new scientific evidence reagrding the origin of human beings evidence which was now being considered by evangelical scholars Albert Mohler warned against this m
I battle between notions of sainthood which I find in the Bible and notions of sainthood which have developed organically in the Church over the centuries We might fairly call these the Protestant and Catholic concepts of sainthood though ultimately this is too limiting for either idea As a boy
Note to Readers I have been studying the Bible and have written the following in the spirit of C S Lewis rsquo s Letters to Malcolm i e a hypothetical friend Dear Christian Following one of our recent commiserations over coffee I returned home to an empty house and opened St Paul rsquo
The Apostle Paul had arrived in Thessalonica only months before his first letter to the Church there was written nbsp Paul along with Barnabas and Timothy went to Thessalonica in what scholars sometimes call ldquo the 2nd Missionary journey rdquo departing from Philippi where they had begun t
When early Church documents are unearthed it is usually a cause for celebration and excitement but this partially restored document which contains only the words of one known as the Consultant Early Church Public Relations Feast Division has remained remarkably unknown The ancient language in