Welcome to America Media's Web Classifieds! Here we keep our community aware of opportunities like jobs, retreats, educational programs and more. If you would like to advertise in our classified section for yourself or your organization, please contact
School of Theology and Religious Studies
Washington, DC 20064
Clinical Track Professor of Homiletics
The School of Theology and Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America invites applications for a full-time non-tenure track faculty position in homiletics to begin Fall 2018. The successful applicant will possess a Ph.D., STD, or D. Min. with a specialization in homiletics or some related theological discipline and be a priest in the Roman Catholic Church in good standing. Previous experience teaching homiletics and the ability to teach homiletics in Spanish is highly desirable.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach homiletics full-time, advise students, and serve on committees of the school and university. Directing theses, doctoral dissertations, and D.Min project treatises will be expected contingent upon the applicant’s terminal degree. Rank and salary will be determined on the basis of academic credentials and publication record.
To apply, please email CUA-STRS-JOBS@CUA.EDU a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and a sample homily to the Chair of the Homiletics Search Committee, School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America; Washington, DC 20064. A letter of endorsement by the applicant’s ecclesiastical superior is required. Applications will begin to be reviewed November 15, 2017.
Selected candidates will be asked for a statement indicating how the applicant’s research and teaching would advance the university’s mission (see, and to the vision of Catholic education outlined in the Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities Ex Corde Ecclesiae (see ).
The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church and was founded as a center of research and scholarship. We seek candidates who understand and will make a significant contribution to the university’s mission and goals.
The University will perform background checks on all new faculty hires prior to making the final offer of employment.
The Catholic University of America is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH - Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota invites inquiries, nominations and applications for its 15th president, expected to around June 1, 2018. Founded in 1912, Saint Mary’s is a Lasallian Catholic University enrolls nearly 6,000 students, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees.
The next president is expected to be an authentic servant leader, to lead and manage a complex, multi-campus enterprise, to be approachable and present to multiple constituencies on campuses and in their respective communities, to engage benefactors throughout the country, and to embrace with enthusiasm a rigorous schedule of activities. Saint Mary’s also expects its next president to be a Catholic who will be passionate about the University’s Lasallian identity, and who will embody, model, and foster Lasallian values and principles. The full profile (link below) contains the leadership agenda, expectations and highly valued qualifications.
The Board of Trustees has determined that a confidential process is critical to ensure the widest possible range of candidates. This confidential search is being assisted by Academic Search, Inc.
To view the full profile, as well as procedures for nomination and application, please visit The position will remain open until filled, but only applications received by Sunday, February 25, 2018 can be assured full consideration. Candidacy will remain confidential from application through appointment.
Pastoral Ministry Faculty Position - Loyola Institute for Ministry
The Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM) of Loyola University New Orleans invites applications for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position in Pastoral Ministry.
Informed by the methodology of practical theology, LIM offers its graduate and certificate programs on campus, online, and face-to-face in English and Spanish around the country and around the world.
The successful candidate will have a terminal degree in practical theology, pastoral studies, or other related field. ABD candidates will be considered. The successful candidate will teach courses in the areas of pastoral leadership, pastoral organization, and practical/contextual theology. Secondary expertise is welcome especially in moral theology but also in focus areas offered as part of LIM’s Master of Pastoral Studies program, or in areas including the Church in Africa, healthcare ministry, Catholic social teaching, and small Christian communities. The successful candidate will be Roman Catholic and have a thorough familiarity with contemporary Roman Catholicism and its theologies. Also required is experience in ministry and/or religious education, and in online teaching.
For more information about the Loyola Institute for Ministry, please see
The Loyola Institute for Ministry seeks a highly qualified, diverse applicant pool and especially encourages members of underrepresented groups to apply. Loyola is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. To apply, please email a letter, CV, contact information for three references, and a copy of the transcript of your highest degree earned to Review of applications begins January 15, 2018.
Company Name: Bucknell University
Position Title: Assistant Catholic Campus Minister
Location: Lewisburg, PA, 17837
The Assistant Catholic Campus Minister for Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) is a full-time assistant to the Chaplain for the Catholic Community and provides faith-based support, ministry, and programming to Bucknell Catholic students and the broader University community. The Assistant Catholic Campus Minister will work closely with the CCM student-led leadership team providing advisement, mentorship, and guidance. This position partners with the University Chaplain, Chaplain for the Jewish Community, and other religious professionals connected with faith groups on campus. The Assistant Catholic Campus Minister is a member of the Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life team within the Diversity and Inclusion department.
Job Duties -
• Advise and mentor CCM student leaders in planning retreats, prayer groups, and other faith-based activities; local community service projects and trips; and student social events.
• Initiate, plan, and implement annual CCM programs and initiatives including the Peace and Justice Lecture, Faith Based Alternative Spring Break, and Educational trips and the Women's Retreat.
• Develop and lead Catholic retreats, discussion groups, and prayer services for students, faculty, and staff.
• Provide pastoral counseling and spiritual direction to students. Make referrals to the Counseling and Student Development (CSDC) Center, Bucknell Student Health, and other appropriate offices.
• Oversee and attend weekly CCM Thursday night dinners. Recruit volunteer chefs and coordinate dinner preparation.
• Coordinate and lead the annual CCM Student Ministry Team Discernment including the application and interview process.
• Coordinate administrative tasks with the Catholic Chaplain.
• Provide articles and reflections in the weekly CCM Insights newsletter.
• Coordinate, review, and edit all CCM publications.
• Assist in the coordination of Catholic Life fundraising activities.
• Provide support and advisement to parents of Catholic students as needed.
• Develop Catholic religious, cultural, and service programming in partnership with academic departments and University offices.
• Contribute to and support interfaith programming and initiatives as part of the Chaplains and Religious Life team.
• Work with the University Chaplain, Jewish Chaplain, and Chaplain for the Catholic Community to promote inter-religious understanding and appreciation for religious diversity.
• Participate in ceremonial occasions of the University such as memorial services, Baccalaureate, and Commencement.
• Work with and provide outreach to Bucknell's extended constituencies including alumni and parents.
• Work closely with the Diocese of Harrisburg and participate in appropriate diocesan meetings, communication, events, and training.
• Build and maintain relationships between Catholic Campus Ministry and the Lewisburg area community, especially Catholic communities, organizations, and volunteers.
Departmental and Divisional Responsibilities:
• Assist with the management of Diversity & Inclusion departmental projects, strategic plans, and staff development.
• Represent the Diversity & Inclusion department and the Division of Student Affairs by serving on University committees.
• Attend and actively participate in office, departmental, and divisional staff meetings and retreats.
• Maintain a high degree of visibility and availability to students, faculty, and staff.
• Complete other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications -
• Fully initiated and practicing member of the Catholic Church
• Master's degree or equivalent training in an appropriate area of study (e.g. theology, religious studies, pastoral care, CCMA-sponsored Catholic Campus Minister Certification)
• Two years experience working with youth/young adult ministry in an educational and/or inter-religious setting
• Strong commitment to student growth and development
• Strong commitment to personal prayer and spiritual growth
• Posses an awareness of issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion
• Posses a basic understanding of Roman Catholic teaching in the areas of:
1. God, Christ, Church
2. Ethics and Moral Theology
3. Peace and Justice
4. Canon Law
5. Church History (World and American)
6. Pastoral Theology (Liturgy and Sacrament, Spirituality and Prayer, Scripture and Interpretation)
7. Adheres to Catholic Church teaching
This position requires evening and weekend availability.
Preferred Qualifications -
• Experience working with college students.
• Training and experience in providing spiritual direction to college students.
• Knowledge of developmental and spiritual issues central to college students.
Bucknell University provides equal opportunity without regard to race, color, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, marital status, veteran status or disability in admissions, employment and in all of its educational programs and activities.
Bucknell University believes that students learn best in a diverse, inclusive community and is therefore committed to academic excellence through diversity in its faculty, staff, and students. We seek candidates who are committed to Bucknell's efforts to create a climate that fosters the growth and development of a diverse student body, and we welcome applications from members of groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education. Bucknell University is a private, highly ranked, national liberal arts institution that also offers strong professional programs in engineering, business, education, and music. Located in Central Pennsylvania along the Susquehanna River, Bucknell is nestled in the Borough of Lewisburg, an architectural gem that has been ranked as one of America's best small towns.
Bucknell is a NCAA Division I (FCS) and Patriot League member institution, that sponsors 27 varsity athletics programs.
Apply Here:
Position Chair, Department of Education
Company The Catholic University of America
Location Washington, DC
Reporting Relationship Dean of Arts and Sciences
University Profile
The National Catholic University
Next to Rome, there is simply no place in the world quite like The Catholic University of America. History, geography and providence have put us at the heart of the Church in America and the heart of the capital of the United States – an intersection that will vastly expand your intellectual and spritiual horizons as a part of the new generation of Catholic Minds.
The Catholic University of America is unique as the national university of the Catholic Church and as the only higher education institution founded by the U.S. bishops. Established in 1887 as a papally chartered graduate and research center, the University began offering undergraduate education in 1904.
As a university, it is essentially a free and autonomous center of study and an agency serving the needs of human society. It welcomes the collaboration of all scholars of good will who, through the process of study and reflection, contribute to these aims in an atmosphere of academic competence where freedom is fostered and where the only constraint upon truth is truth itself.
As a member of the American academic community, it accepts the standards and procedures of American institutions and seeks to achieve distinction within the academic world. Faithful to the Christian message as it comes through the Church and faithful to its own national traditions, The Catholic University of America has unique responsibilities to be of service to Christian thought and education in the Catholic community as well as to serve the nation and the world.
University Motto: Deus Lux Mea Est. "God is My Light."
Academic Colors: Gold and white
Athletic Colors: Red and black
Accreditation: The Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
Note: Catholic University welcomes people of all religious faiths.
The Catholic University of America was founded in the name of the Catholic Church in the United States by Pope Leo XIII and the bishops of this country as a national institution of learning. Given its origins and the historic role of its ecclesiastical faculties, this University has a responsibility to the Church in the United States that is special to it: It is called to be an intellectual center of highest quality, where the relation between revealed truth and human truth can be examined in depth and with authority. It seeks, moreover, to do this in the light of the American experience. It is for this reason that, from its inception, the University has enjoyed a unique relationship with the Holy See and the entire Catholic community.
Established as a center for graduate study, The Catholic University of America has evolved into a modern American university, committed not only to graduate but also to undergraduate and professional education and to the cultivation of the arts. At every level, the University is dedicated to the advancement of learning and particularly to the development of knowledge in the light of Christian revelation, convinced that faith is consistent with reason and that theology and other religious studies themselves profit from the broader context of critical inquiry, experimentation, and reflection.
The University aims at achieving and maintaining in higher education a leading place among Catholic and other privately endowed, research-oriented institutions of comparable size, purpose, and tradition. It seeks to maintain a position of special excellence in the fields of theology, philosophy, canon law, the humanities and the sciences.
The Catholic University of America gives primacy to scholarship and scientific research and to the training of future scholars through its graduate programs, not only to advance scientific work but also because it recognizes that undergraduate and professional education of high quality also demands the presence of a faculty that combines teaching and professional activity with fundamental scholarship.
The University seeks the advancement of knowledge within a context of liberal studies, a context which reflects both its concern for the whole person and the distinctive wisdom to which it is heir as a Catholic institution. This dimension of learning is reflected particularly in its undergraduate programs where religious studies and philosophy are regarded as integral to curricula that include requirements in the arts and humanities, language and literature, and the natural and social sciences. Through its professional programs, the University seeks to educate men and women who can represent their respective professions with distinction and who are formed by the learning and values inherent in its academic and Catholic traditions.
Position Overview
Catholic education in the United States is at a pivotal juncture where there is great potential to reestablish identity, strategic support, and direction. Having been instrumental in the foundation of formal Catholic K-12 education in the mid-twentieth century, Catholic University and the faculty look to return as the Catholic education pillar.
The School of Arts & Sciences at The Catholic University of America seeks a progressive transformative and visionary leader at the outset of a tremendous opportunity to fill a Chairmanship position in the Department of Education. The Department will be building and branding around academic scholarship and the central Catholic identity.
The position is open for proven leaders in the education sector. The preferred candidate will be a senior tenure-track faculty member at the Associate or Full Professor level, or the equivalent, who can leverage our existing strengths and build upon our mission to be a nationally recognized, authentically Catholic research university with an education department that is strongly committed to supporting Catholic K-12 education through transformative and entrepreneurial leadership.
The Department of Education offers licensure programs in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education (English, Math, & Social Studies), Early Childhood Special Education and Special Education. The Department also has an undergraduate program in Education Studies, a master’s program in Learning & Instruction, and a doctoral program in Catholic Education Chairmanship & Policy Studies. The Department is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) for the Department of Education and has collaborations across the university such as the School Library Media Program in the Department of Library & Information Studies, the Theatre Education in the Department of Drama and the Music Education Program in the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music.
Department of Education
The Department of Education, a scholarly community of faculty and students, shares in the Catholic and academic mission of The Catholic University of America. The Department recognizes the important role of education in shaping humanity, the world, and the future. The teacher education program functions within this community to prepare teachers for Catholic, private, and public schools to educate students for a changing world.
The overall purpose of teacher education at CUA is to help candidates acquire the skills and reflective qualities essential for the professional practice of teaching. By developing a reflective, problem-solving orientation toward teaching, graduates of this program should be empowered to critically examine their own actions and the context of these actions for the purpose of a more deliberative mode of professional activity (Berlak and Berlak, 1981). The outcome should be self-directed teachers who use professional knowledge to actively, persistently and carefully improve their practice.
One assumption that guides this program is that pre-service teachers can be taught to reflect on their experiences. This can only be accomplished when students are given many opportunities to practice reflection in different contexts and situations. For this reason, all coursework and related field experiences are infused with content and assignments that promote the central goal of increasing reflective thought.
A second assumption is that systematic observation and analysis during a variety of field experiences will promote reflectivity. Candidates are encouraged to use a problem-solving approach to reflect on situations encountered in their own teaching experiences or observations, draw on relevant research and theory for solutions, and integrate knowledge across coursework and field experiences.
Key Responsibilities
The Department Chair will report directly to the Dean and serve as the cental member of the Department of Education. Responsibilities include:
• Providing visionary leadership toward the achievement of the highest possible level of excellence in Catholic education by serving K-12, training teachers and administrative leaders
• Partnership with the Dean to ensure implementation of strategic direction to create clear Department of Education for all Catholic education in the United States
• Oversight and coordination of all departmental matters including course staffing and scheduling specific to the Department
• Program development, review, and accreditation
• Recruitment and enrollment
• Faculty development and supervision
• Work with program leaders to develop, implement, and maintain effective systems supportive of student success
• Curricular oversight and development of new initiatives in collaboration with faculty and campus leaders
• Recommend to the Dean all faculty hiring, promotion, and professional development needs specific to the Department
• Maintain effective oversight of department budget
• Effectively articulates Department and University mission to internal and external constituencies
• Conduct annual evaluations of departmental personnel
• Work in collaboration with campus and program leaders to facilitate student learning and the assessment of students throughout entirety of program
• Responsibility for aiding in curriculum development aligning with Departmental and University goals
Professional Experience/Qualifications
The ideal Chair candidate should possess:
• An earned Doctorate in Education, or in an equivalent field.
• Minimum of three years of administrative experience
• Ability to enhance the Department’s visibility and larger Catholic education within and outside of the University
• A performance record commensurate for appointment at a senior rank
• Expectation to teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses in an area of concentration of the Department
• Experience in teacher education and accreditation is desired
• Knowledge of current standards in the field for educational leadership
• Ability to work collaboratively with a diverse group of faculty, staff, and students
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills
• Entrpreneurial spirit and consultative approach to identify and address needs in the Catholic education landscape today
• A commitment to leading the University’s Catholic mission forward
Application Process
Candidates should submit by e-mail to a letter of application, a current curriculum vitae, and a one- to two-page personal statement indicating how their leadership, research, teaching, and service will make a distinctive contribution to the University’s mission and to the vision of Catholic education outlined in the Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities Ex Corde Ecclesiae, which can be found here:
The successful candidate will receive a salary that is competitive based on experience and a comprehensive benefits package.
The Catholic University of America is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Diocese of Erie
Executive Director of Faith Formation:
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie is seeking a creative and faith-driven leader to serve as the Executive Director of Faith Formation. The fruit of a collaborative diocesan planning process, this position has been identified as key to the renewal of parish life, religious education, youth ministry and family ministry.
The successful candidate will demonstrate a strong commitment to evangelization and life-long faith formation, be visionary and forward-looking, relate well to lay, clergy and religious alike, and be willing to provide inspirational leadership through involvement in the day-to-day responsibilities of the office.
He/she will play a key role in the ongoing development of a collaborative vision for life-long faith formation in the Diocese of Erie. He/she will report to the Vicar for Education and supervise several full-time professional colleagues.
Interested individuals are invited to go to for more information on the position and application process.
Spirituality Center Seeks Executive Director
Loyola Institute for Spirituality (LIS) seeks a new Executive Director to lead a vigorous program of contemporary spirituality, based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. With a dynamic staff of ten, LIS accompanies people on their journey in both English and Spanish toward a life-giving relationship with God, self, and others. It is not a retreat center.
The successful candidate will have made the Spiritual Exercises, have experience in working with a Board and with lay, religious, and clergy leadership. Applications close December 18, 2017 or until a qualified candidate is identified. Hiring by February 15 with a starting date of July 1, 2018.
Complete job description: Send letter of interest with qualifications and curriculum vitae to:
Patrick Howell, S.J., Executive Director 434 S. Batavia St. Orange, WA 92868 714-997-9587
Electronic applications favored:
Seton Hall
Seton Hall University seeks a president to lead the institution into a new era of accomplishment. As the University brings on board one of the only newly-formed private medical schools in the country while simultaneously enhancing its core strengths at both the undergraduate and graduate level, Seton Hall seeks a leader of people and programs to serve as its 27th chief executive.
Seton Hall’s president will be a Roman Catholic priest with an earned terminal degree in his discipline and a proven record of accomplishment as a leader and administrator. The president will clearly understand and will work to enhance the interconnected values of higher education and the Roman Catholic Church, with a particular understanding and embrace of the Catholic intellectual tradition. A student-centric approach to higher education and a commitment to academic freedom are sine qua non. While leadership experience specifically in higher education is preferred rather than required, candidates with personal experience with undergraduate, graduate, and professional education will be decidedly advantaged, including those with a personal history of teaching, scholarly research, and faculty governance including the rank and tenure process. As would be expected, the president will possess the personal characteristics necessary to be an effective spokesperson and fund raiser for Seton Hall; candidates demonstrating a track record of successful philanthropic fund raising will be at a particular advantage.
The new president will join the University at an opportune time when it has begun to achieve and implement elements of the widely embraced vision for its future. He will inherit exciting new enterprises, like the new medical school that is being created in partnership with Hackensack Meridian Health, and he will have the opportunity to build the awareness and reputation of what is already a nationally recognized institutional brand. To accomplish these ends, Seton Hall’s new president will benefit from a symbiotic working relationship with a highly motivated board and with His Eminence, Joseph William Cardinal Tobin, himself newly appointed as the sixth Archbishop of Newark by Pope Francis.
Seton Hall is already one of the nation’s foremost Catholic universities; its new president will work to enhance its rankings while maintaining its commitment to academic quality and, especially, to its compelling mission and values.
Inquiries, nominations, and applications are invited. For fullest consideration, applicant materials should be received by November 22, 2017. Candidates should provide a resume or curriculum vitae, a letter of application that addresses the responsibilities and requirements described in the leadership profile available at, and the names and contact information of five references. Candidate confidentiality will be respected and references will not be contacted without prior knowledge and approval of candidates. Inquiries and application materials should be sent via e-mail to the University’s consultants, Dennis M. Barden, Robin G. Mamlet and Elizabeth K. Bohan of Witt/Kieffer, at Questions may also be directed to the consultants through the office of Laurie Adams at 630-575-6152.
Seton Hall University values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity for all persons regardless of age, color, disability, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other status protected by law.

The Board of Trustees of Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, New York invites nominations and applications for the position of President, anticipated to take office in summer 2018.
Overlooking the majestic Hudson River, Mount Saint Mary College (MSMC) is a private, independent coeducational institution guided by the Catholic and Dominican traditions, committed to providing 2,400 students a year with a liberal arts education that prepares them for lives of leadership and service.
MSMC offers 50 undergraduate programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. For non-traditional and adult students, the College offers an accelerated evening program. Collaboration programs offer the opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree and an advanced degree with several other institutions in the state. MSMC also offers master's degrees in Education, Business, and Nursing. Mount Saint Mary College is an integral part of Newburgh and the Hudson Valley Region, employing more than 625 local residents and serving as one of the educational hubs of the region. See the College web site at
MSMC’s next President will provide visionary leadership that builds on its excellence in liberal arts, professional and graduate education. An advanced degree in the candidate’s field is preferred, with a significant track record of leadership in higher education or entities with a similar mission. The successful candidate will have the highest level of integrity and personal energy; and demonstrate a combination of leadership qualities to excel in such areas as strategic planning; executive leadership; furthering the College mission and identity, academic programs, connectivity and inclusiveness, decision making and change management; fund raising; service to community; and support and leadership of faculty, students, and staff. These are described in the complete profile of the position and the institution at
Academic Search, Inc. is assisting Mount Saint Mary College in this search. Nancy Suttenfield is the senior consultant leading the search and can be reached for confidential discussion of the position at The search is open until filled, but only applications received by November 30, 2017 can be assured full consideration. A complete application will consist of a cover letter, a current c.v., and a list of five references with contact information. Please refer to the full profile for details. The search process will remain confidential until the public campus visits of finalists.
Mount Saint Mary College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender, age, national and ethnic origin, veteran status, disability, or any other characteristic or classification protected by federal, state, or local law in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic programs, and other school administered programs.
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System (SJMHS) of Ann Arbor, Michigan, has an immediate opportunity for a full-time Ordained Catholic Priest. Saint Joseph Mercy Health System is a five-hospital regional system featuring tertiary acute care, community-based inpatient and outpatient care, long-term care, and hospice care. This position is a full-time hospital chaplaincy position located at St. Joseph Ann Arbor, the 550 bed tertiary anchor hospital of the regional system. As a part of Trinity Health, the nation's second largest Catholic health system, St. Joe's is located in dynamic Ann Arbor, a university town that is an ideal place to live, learn, work, and play. The qualified candidate must have a Master of Divinity degree, or equivalent, with a minimum of four units of Clinical Pastoral Education and professional certification as a chaplain, or certification eligibility. Chaplaincy experience in healthcare ministry is preferred. Candidate would bring pastoral experience, skill, and artistry to a ministry that includes regular sacramental celebrations and sensitive pastoral care with our patients, visitors, and staff. Our identity as a Catholic healthcare organization, and the full expression of Catholic ministry depends, in part, on finding a priest chaplain who fits this unique role and setting. For immediate consideration, please apply online at or email CV to Marsha Horton at
The Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA), a national leadership organization dedicated to serving the nation’s Catholic health ministry, has retained Witt/Kieffer to aid in the recruitment of a Vice President, Communications and Marketing that will be located in the St. Louis, Missouri office. The Catholic health ministry is the largest group of non-profit healthcare providers in the nation comprised of more than 600 hospitals and 1,600 long-term care and other health facilities. To ensure vital sponsorship and a vibrant future for the Catholic health ministry, CHA advocates with Congress, the Administration, federal agencies, and influential policy organizations to ensure that the nation's health systems provide quality and affordable care across the continuum of health care delivery. Reporting directly to the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Vice President will be responsible for creating and implementing communications strategies that support the Association’s strategic priorities and ensuring that CHA continues to expertly represent the membership with value-add services, through publication, media and outreach. He/she will also be expected to develop a vision and a strategy to transition the Association to a digital publication platform, enhance the CHA brand within and outside the membership, and continue to identify ways to garner visibility (locally and nationally) around the impact the Catholic health ministry has on the community. Keys to the success of this position will be having a strong project management focus and an ability to consistently make good decisions through a combination of analysis, wisdom, experience and judgment.CHA is seeking candidates with a minimum of ten years progressive management experience and a proven track record in communications/marketing/public relations or a related field. Experience within an association environment and familiarity with healthcare is a plus. Interested parties should direct all nominations and resumes to the consultants supporting this search, Donna Padilla and John McFarland, preferably via e-mail

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Carlow University, a private, Catholic, liberal arts, comprehensive University in Pittsburgh, PA, seeks an innovative and exceptional Provost with demonstrated experience in higher education to lead the University in advancing academic programs, optimizing learning, and innovating through partnerships. Applicants must have an earned doctorate, demonstrated substantial higher education leadership experience, a record of scholarly achievement sufficient to qualify for full professor at Carlow, and a student-centered perspective.
Carlow University was founded in 1929 by the Sisters of Mercy, an international community of Roman Catholic women with a mission to serve the poor, the sick, and the uneducated. Carlow, an institution grounded in the liberal arts while also offering strong professional programs, is committed to engaging its diverse community in a process of life-long learning, scholarship, research, and service. Degrees are offered at the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Carlow is recognized as a College of Distinction, a Catholic College of Distinction, and a Pennsylvania College of Distinction for 2016–17.
Reporting directly to the President, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs serves as the chief academic officer and provides leadership to and administrative oversight of all academic functions and personnel at Carlow, including education, research, faculty, and academic support. The purpose of the Office of Academic Affairs is to ensure that all graduate and undergraduate students experience a challenging and rewarding education consistent with the University’s mission. It comprises undergraduate and graduate programs, academic services and assessment, arts and sciences, professional studies, library services, honors program, advising, admissions, international studies, research, and early childhood education through middle school.
How to Apply
The University is being assisted by Academic Search, Inc. Applications should consist of a substantive cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a list of five professional references with full contact information. No references will be contacted without the explicit permission of the candidate. Applications, nominations, and expressions of interest can be submitted electronically, and in confidence to:
Applications received by January 8, 2018 can be assured full consideration. Confidential discussions may be arranged by contacting consultants Ann Die Hasselmo at or Chris Butler at Further information about Carlow University is available at
Further information on the search, including a list of responsibilities and qualifications, is available in the search profile at Carlow University employees commit themselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct. They commit to act with integrity, treat others with respect and dignity, carefully steward the University's resources, avoid conflicts of interest or commitment, maintain confidentiality, and to comply with legal and professional obligations.
Carlow University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. We strive for a campus that reflects our urban setting and is inclusive of underrepresented groups to enhance our University community.
Magis Americas seeks a full-time executive director. Magis Americas is an independent nonprofit 501©3 organization based in Washington, D.C.
The mission of Magis Americas is to expand the availability of quality education and job training for people living in marginalized and impoverished communities throughout Latin America and the Caribbean by mobilizing financial and other resources from philanthropists, foundations, corporations, and international agencies and to channel these resources to highly effective programs such as the Fe y Alegria network of schools and training centers.
The Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the administration, programs and strategic plan of the organization. Other key duties include fundraising, marketing, and community outreach. The position reports to the Board of Directors.
Candidates should be familiar with and have experience of Fe y Alegria or Cristo Rey Schools and preferably are bilingual (English/Spanish). Magis Americas contracts with the Jesuit Conference of North America for office space and human resources and financial services.
Interested candidates please send letter of intent and resume to Magis Americas at
Cristo Rey Richmond
Job Posting
Do you have the vision, skills, and entrepreneurial drive to lead a new school that follows a proven model for success? Would you like your legacy to be one that helps children move out of poverty through education and work? Are you Catholic?
The Opportunity The Founding President of Cristo Rey Richmond High School will have the opportunity to be a game changer, really a life changer, for hundreds of children growing up in poverty in Richmond. The President will lead the planning and development needed to open the school in September 2019, and then will lead the school to full enrollment of 400+ students in grades 9 – 12.
Cristo Rey Richmond will be one of more than 30 schools that comprise the Cristo Rey Network. The President will be the Chief Executive Officer, serving as the leader and outward face of the school. A school principal will be responsible for academic leadership.
The President will hire and lead the school’s management team and will work with a Board of engaged community leaders to gain individual and corporate support for the school. He or she will be the outward face of the school and have ultimate responsibility for all school operations.
Qualifications First and foremost, the President must be committed to education reform – particularly for traditionally underserved students – and have passion for the distinct mission, values, academic standards, and Catholic identity of the Cristo Rey Network so that s/he can inspire people to support this unique education model.
Successful candidates must be Catholic (this is a non-negotiable requirement). They will possess: • The leadership experience to build and run an organization. • Exceptional communication skills. • The ability to gain support for a new model of education. • Experience in building community and corporate partnerships. • A track record of successful fundraising as a professional or a volunteer. • The ability to build strong relationships with people of all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. • An understanding of the President’s role in an academic environment. • Urban experience with people of limited income. Cristo Rey Schools The Cristo Rey Network empowers students from underserved lower-income communities to develop their minds and become lifelong contributors to society. By providing students an extraordinary college preparatory education and a unique four-year, integrated corporate work study experience, the Cristo Rey Network seeks to “transform urban America one student at a time.” As a member of the Cristo Rey Network, a school is committed to the following standards: 1. A Cristo Rey school is explicitly Catholic in mission and enjoys Church approval. 2. A Cristo Rey school serves only students with limited economic resources and is open to students of various faiths and cultures. 3. A Cristo Rey school is family-centered and plays an active role in the local community. 4. A Cristo Rey school prepares all students to enter and graduate from college. 5. A Cristo Rey school requires participation by all students in the Corporate Work Study program. 6. A Cristo Rey school integrates the learning present in its work program, classroom, and extracurricular experiences for the fullest benefit of its students. 7. A Cristo Rey school has effective administrative and board structures, and complies with applicable state and federal laws. 8. A Cristo Rey school is financially sound. 9. A Cristo Rey school supports its graduates’ efforts to obtain a college degree and enter post-college life as productive, faith-filled individuals. 10. A Cristo Rey school is an active participant in the Cristo Rey Network.
The first Cristo Rey school was founded in 1996 by Jesuits in Chicago. Today the schools have a combined enrollment of over 11,500. Students come from families whose overall average household size is four persons and average family income is $35,000. Ninety-seven percent (97%) of Cristo Rey students are young people of color. Our schools accept all students, regardless of religious affiliation. This school-year, 46% of the student-body is not Catholic. Cristo Rey Richmond The Cristo Rey Richmond feasibility study has confirmed that there is community support from the Catholic Diocese, corporations, individuals, and potential students and their families. The school will be built on property adjacent to the Sacred Heart Parish and the Sacred Heart Center. Until the building is ready, the school will be located in the former Benedictine High School building on Sheppard Street.
To Apply Please send a resume, cover letter outlining specific, relevant skills you bring to this position, and three references to For best consideration, please respond by Thursdady, September 28th, and put “Cristo Rey” in the subject line. EOE. The search firm and the search committee take confidentiality seriously.
Job Announcement Ignatian
Volunteer Corps
New York Regional Director
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC), a national not-for-profit service organization that provides men and women aged 50 and over with opportunities to serve the poor and marginalized, grow deeper in their faith and transforms lives, seeks a full-time Director for the New York (Metropolitan) Region. The responsibilities of the director include
• Recruitment and support of volunteers (in Metro NY, NJ, and Long Island)
• Partnering with non-profit agencies serving the materially poor in order to place volunteers with the agencies • Fundraising and event planning • Program management The successful candidate will have
• Knowledge of Catholic social teaching, Ignatian Spirituality and adult faith formation
Strong organization and administrative management skills
• Excellent communication and networking abilities
• Experience with budgeting, finance and computers
A letter of application and resume should be submitted by email to Tom Ulrich at
Names and contact information for two references should be included. Deadline for submission is September 18, 2017. Links for more information about IVC, the job description and the New York Region can be found on the Ignatian Volunteer Corps website: .
Sr. Director, Theology & Ethics
The Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) is seeking a sr. director, theology & ethics who will serve as a resource for CHA members, including theologians, and ethicists within the ministry, and other individuals and groups as requested regarding, the Catholic theological and ethical tradition and its implications for Catholic health care. Responsibilities include bringing ethical analysis and theological reflection to bear upon ethical issues in health care, program and resource development, consultations and presentations, participate in programs and activities of the department, and serve as a resource to other departments. Travel is required (approximately 30%).
CHA advances the Catholic health ministry of the United States in caring for people and communities. Comprised of more than 600 hospitals and 1,400 long-term care and other health facilities in all 50 states, the Catholic health ministry is the largest group of nonprofit health care providers in the nation.
Qualified candidates will have at least 5 years’ experience as an employee or consultant in Catholic health care ministry with demonstrated expertise in clinical and organizational ethics. Demonstrable knowledge of Catholic theology, particularly Catholic moral theology and health care ethics. Experience and ability to understand and work collaboratively with Church and health care leaders. Practicing Catholic with demonstrated understanding of Church structures, practices (rituals and traditions), moral and social teaching. Thorough knowledge of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services and their implications for the delivery of services in the changing health care environment. This position requires a PhD in theology, preferably in theological ethics or moral theology with a concentration in health care ethics, or a PhD in philosophical ethics with a concentration in health care ethics, or a PhD in health care ethics.
For consideration, please email cover letter and resume to
To view a more detailed posting for this position, visit the careers page on
Sr. Director, Theology & Ethics
The Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) is seeking a sr. director, theology & ethics who will serve as a resource for CHA members, including theologians, and ethicists within the ministry, and other individuals and groups as requested regarding, the Catholic theological and ethical tradition and its implications for Catholic health care. Responsibilities include bringing ethical analysis and theological reflection to bear upon ethical issues in health care, program and resource development, consultations and presentations, participate in programs and activities of the department, and serve as a resource to other departments. Travel is required (approximately 30%).
CHA advances the Catholic health ministry of the United States in caring for people and communities. Comprised of more than 600 hospitals and 1,400 long-term care and other health facilities in all 50 states, the Catholic health ministry is the largest group of nonprofit health care providers in the nation.
Qualified candidates will have at least 5 years’ experience as an employee or consultant in Catholic health care ministry with demonstrated expertise in clinical and organizational ethics. Demonstrable knowledge of Catholic theology, particularly Catholic moral theology and health care ethics. Experience and ability to understand and work collaboratively with Church and health care leaders. Practicing Catholic with demonstrated understanding of Church structures, practices (rituals and traditions), moral and social teaching. Thorough knowledge of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services and their implications for the delivery of services in the changing health care environment. This position requires a PhD in theology, preferably in theological ethics or moral theology with a concentration in health care ethics, or a PhD in philosophical ethics with a concentration in health care ethics, or a PhD in health care ethics.
For consideration, please email cover letter and resume to
To view a more detailed posting for this position, visit the careers page on
Sacred Heart University, (Fairfield, CT) one of the country’s fastest-growing universities and the
second-largest Catholic university in New England, invites nominations and applications for the
position of Dean of the Isabelle Farrington College of Education (FCE). The next Dean will have
an extraordinary opportunity to advance the College’s mission; to enhance its commitment to
excellence in teaching and research; to advance creative new program development,
particularly in developing collaborative programming with an emphasis in the STEM areas; while
positioning the College to succeed in a dynamic and highly competitive environment in teacher
education. Sacred Heart University is both deeply rooted in the Catholic intellectual tradition and
entrepreneurial, nimble and creative in its approach to all aspects of its programs and services.
The Dean will lead the College to higher levels of achievement and demonstrate a spirit of
innovation, a participatory leadership philosophy and a deep commitment to the mission of the
University. He or she must be a demonstrated leader, able to articulate a clear vision and
strategy for the College; promote academic rigor; drive the development of new academic
programs; foster a collegial and collaborative ethos that capitalizes on the richness of the SHU
community; and encourage a continued commitment to professional excellence and growth.
The Dean will advocate for the FCE’s interests within and outside the University, engage and
serve the local and regional educational community and establish and maintain excellent
relationships with the local schools and the community of teachers and administrators. The
College provides graduate certification and degree programs in initial and advanced educator
preparation for Connecticut’s PK-12 schools. The College enrolls approximately 850 students.
The twenty one full-time faculty are organized into two academic departments: Teacher
Education and Leadership and Literacy. The five-year program offers undergraduates an
opportunity to earn the Master of Arts in Teaching and CT State Teacher Certification by
studying for one year and two summers after the undergraduate degree.
As the academic and administrative leader of the College, the Dean will foster a strong sense of
community that is closely tied to and extends the commitment to the Catholic intellectual
tradition. He or she will be charged with developing a compelling and innovative vision for the
future, taking full advantage of the collaborative opportunities afforded by the College’s location
on Sacred Heart’s new West Campus, where the College of Education will be co-located with
the academic programs in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Business and a
proposed innovation hub. The Dean will lead development of a Strategic Plan through a
participatory process and will have the appropriate background and experience to ensure full
and robust adherence to all aspects of the state and national accreditation standards to which
the College and the University are committed. The successful candidate will be able to move the
College to national recognition of excellence. The position begins no later than July 1, 2018.
Inquiries, nominations and applications are invited. Review of applications will begin in October,
and will continue until the position is filled. For fullest consideration, applicant materials should
be received by October 16, 2017. Candidates should provide a curriculum vitae, a letter of
application that addresses the responsibilities and requirements described in the Leadership
Statement and the names and contact information of five references. References will not be
contacted without prior knowledge and approval of candidates. These materials should be sent
electronically via e-mail to Sacred Heart University’s consultants Sheila Murphy and Alexis Von
Kunes Newton at The consultants can be reached by telephone
via Candice Jones at 630-575- 6929.
Sacred Heart University values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity for all persons
regardless of age, color, disability, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex,
sexual orientation, veteran status or any other status protected by law.

“LOVE, LAUGHTER & LIVING SAINTS” Short Stories of Catholic School Days & 50 Years of Parish Happenings, by the Rev. Charles J. Cummings, retired priest, Diocese of Scranton, Pa. Book and preview available: Amazon paperback, $12.95; Nook or Kindle e-book device $4.99

Professor in Catholic Feminist Theology, open rank
Religious Studies Department, Santa Clara University
Tenure-track or Tenured Professor at Assistant, Associate or Full Rank
The Department of Religious Studies at Santa Clara University, a Jesuit Catholic university, invites applications for an open-rank position in Catholic Feminist Theology (areas of specialization open to feminist systematic theology, fundamental theology ecofeminism, feminist hermeneutics, mujerista theologies, womanist theologies, postcolonial feminist theologies, feminist ethics), to begin Fall 2018. The candidate must demonstrate success as a teaching scholar and understand and support the University’s Jesuit mission. Located in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, Santa Clara is a private, Jesuit, Catholic university committed to promoting social justice in a comprehensive educational setting. Faculty are teaching scholars who balance a commitment to quality teaching with active programs of research and creative scholarship. Ideal candidates should therefore demonstrate not only potential for excellent undergraduate teaching, but also promise in sustained research and scholarly publication, and service to the department, college or university. The Department of Religious Studies at Santa Clara University is multidisciplinary, with over twenty full-time faculty representing a variety of fields in theological and religious studies ( In addition to its primary focus on undergraduate education, the department also includes a master’s degree program in Pastoral Ministries., The successful candidate will teach six undergraduate courses per year on the quarter system; will be expected to successfully develop and/or maintain a research agenda, potentially including undergraduates, that leads to peer-reviewed publications; and will provide service to the department, College, and University, as appropriate to rank. The successful candidate will offer a range of undergraduate courses that will serve the department’s participation in the University’s Core Curriculum ( and our major. It is possible that the successful candidate may teach an occasional course in the graduate program. Applicants are invited to visit the University’s website ( for background on Santa Clara’s mission, scope of programs and degrees offered, faculty opportunities for interdisciplinary programs and research, and the multicultural student population we serve. Santa Clara University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity and inclusion, and, in this spirit, particularly welcomes applications from women, persons of color, and members of historically underrepresented groups. The University will provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with a disability. Also, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the University annually collects and makes publicly available information about campus crimes and other reportable incidents (
Qualifications: 1. Completion of the Ph.D. or equivalent degree in theology or religious studies by the time of appointment. 2. Evidence of effective and excellent university-level teaching in upper-and lower-division classes is required at the time of appointment. 3. Evidence of an agenda for scholarship and promise of publication, or evidence of excellent and sustained publication (depending on rank), in the area of Catholic feminist theology. Rank and Salary Assistant, Associate or Full Professor Competitive salary and benefits package; housing assistance program Starting Date September 1, 2018 Application Deadline October 15, 2017 Application Procedure Applicants should submit: (1) a cover letter or personal statement that includes (a) a statement of teaching philosophy, (b) a projected research agenda, (c) the applicant's experience or interest in working with people of diverse cultures and identities, (d) a statement on the candidate’s ability to contribute to interdisciplinary ventures that contribute to the department, College, or university priorities, and (e) the applicant’s understanding of the mission of Santa Clara as a Jesuit, Catholic university; (2) a curriculum vitae and copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts; (3) sample syllabi and teaching evaluations from courses taught; (4) an example of scholarship, e.g., in-press or published article; (5) three letters of recommendation. Submit all application materials through the hiring portal at
The Community of Saint Peter, is a vibrant, financially strong, intentional Catholic community established in 2009 by its members following the closing of the parish church by the Cleveland Catholic Diocese.
We seek a full time ordained pastor to lead the community with vision in
• Worship • Ministries • Administrative duties.
Interested individual should visit for information about the position and the application process.
Liturgy / RCIA Educator
Office for Worship Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide
Full time position
The Office for Worship is an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide that provides liturgical assistance to the Chief Liturgist, and also provides formation and education for all the Catholic faithful of the Diocese.
The role of the Liturgy/RCIA Educator is to implement the Archbishop’s directives for the liturgical practice of the Archdiocese as a member of the Office for Worship. The successful applicant will co-ordinate the formation and development of Parish Liturgy Teams and prepare resources such as the Liturgical Calendar for use in schools and parishes.
The Liturgy/RCIA Educator collaborates with other Office for Worship team members in teaching liturgy courses, workshops and seminars. In addition, the Liturgy/RCIA Educator will support adult catechumens preparing for baptism, or candidates preparing for full communion with the Catholic Church, at all stages of the RCIA. The successful applicant will possess tertiary qualifications in liturgy and a personal enthusiasm and commitment to the liturgical life of the Church and to the role of Liturgy Educator.
Applications should be addressed to Ms Majella Jovanovich, Human Resources Manager, and emailed to no later than close of business (5pm) Monday July 10, 2017. A copy of the Position Description can be obtained by emailing or by contacting Sonia Kravinskis, HR Coordinator, on +61 08 8210 8134.
Applications should include an application letter, CV and the names and contact details of at least three referees.
Employment with the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide is conditional upon a successful Police clearance and successful reference checks.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Child Safe organisation.
Seeking Communications Director
An independent publishing house with a 200-year history seeks a qualified communications director. The Crossroad Publishing Company has a broad mission for producing print and digital media for spiritual seekers, pastoral leaders, scholars and teachers. Salary and benefits to be negotiated.
An Ideal Candidate will have:
1. Strong leadership skills with a demonstrated ability to manage people and business processes. 2. An understanding of the current book and media industry and the opportunities arising from creative disruption. 3. An appreciation for the markets within which the company works. 4. Five or more years of experience in the communications, marketing, and sales aspects of the book or media publishing world. 5. Solid organizational skills and familiarity with the fiscal realities of retailing and publishing. 6. A passion to work collaboratively with staff, authors, and customers within an industry in flux. 7. Able to set realistic and achievable goals.
The Job includes: a. Growing and managing Crossroad’s communication efforts in marketing, sales, social media, and distribution. b. Developing new strategies for reaching out to customers and untapped markets. c. Coordination with production staff to ensure cost-effective and timely sales and supply chain processes. d. Assume responsibility for plans and budgets for all communication (marketing, sales, social media, distribution) efforts. e. Work collaboratively with executive management team, including the Publisher and Senior Editors. f. Able to work within the Rockland County, NY offices and also travel.
Please email to if you are interested or have further questions.
Campus Minister for Spirituality & Faith Formation
Join our dedicated Campus Ministry staff at Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama. This Campus Minister will fulfill a primary ministry to foster programs, retreats, prayer opportunities and community building activities that help deepen, renew, or begin a personal relationship with God in students from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.
This position is 100% FTE (i.e., full-time year round).
Please scroll to Staff Openings via and click on Job Description link for full information, including requirements and application process.
Spring Hill College is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
2018-2019 Corcoran Visiting Chair in Christian-Jewish Relations
Boston College and its Center for Christian-Jewish Learning invite applications for a one year visiting appointment (renewable for a second year) as the 2018-2019 Corcoran Visiting Chair in Christian-Jewish Relations, specializing in some aspect of the relationship between Christianity and Judaism. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or its earned equivalent, have published in the field, and hold (or have retired from) a tenured position (or its equivalent) in a university or seminary. Applications from all relevant disciplines are welcome. The Corcoran Chair will agree to take on specific responsibilities related to the mission of the Center. Stipend: $75,850/academic year plus travel and research expenses. The full description is available at .A list of previous Chairs, and their conferences and courses during their tenures, is also available online.
Electronic submission of the following are requested: letter of application, CV, and a proposal for the research and writing to be done while holding the Chair, including an indication of how these fit into the guidelines above. Two letters of recommendation should be submitted directly. Applications are due by November 10, 2017. Decisions will be made by February 16, 2018. Communications should be addressed to Prof. James Bernauer, SJ (, Director, Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, Stokes Hall N405, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 USA.
Seeking Communications Director
An independent publishing house with a 200-year history seeks a qualified communications director. The Crossroad Publishing Company has a broad mission for producing print and digital media for spiritual seekers, pastoral leaders, scholars and teachers. Salary and benefits to be negotiated.
An Ideal Candidate will have:
1. Strong leadership skills with a demonstrated ability to manage people and business processes.
2. An understanding of the current book and media industry and the opportunities arising from creative disruption.
3. An appreciation for the markets within which the company works.
4. Five or more years of experience in the communications, marketing, and sales aspects of the book or media publishing world.
5. Solid organizational skills and familiarity with the fiscal realities of retailing and publishing.
6. A passion to work collaboratively with staff, authors, and customers within an industry in flux.
7. Able to set realistic and achievable goals.
The Job includes:
a. Growing and managing Crossroad’s communication efforts in marketing, sales, social media, and distribution.
b. Developing new strategies for reaching out to customers and untapped markets.
c. Coordination with production staff to ensure cost-effective and timely sales and supply chain processes.
d. Assume responsibility for plans and budgets for all communication (marketing, sales, social media, distribution) efforts.
e. Work collaboratively with executive management team, including the Publisher and Senior Editors.
f. Able to work within the Rockland County, NY offices and also travel.
Please email if you are interested or have further questions.
Director of Music Ministries
The Adrian Dominican Sisters, a Roman Catholic congregation of women religious is seeking a full-time Director of Music Ministries for the Motherhouse in Adrian, Michigan.
This Director enables and gives direction to the sung prayer of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, promoting the growth and development of the spiritual life of the Adrian Dominican Sisters campus. The department provides support for the planning and celebration of daily liturgy including Liturgy of the Eucharist, Liturgy of the Hours, Sacraments of Healing (Penance and Anointing), Funeral Vigils, Masses and Burial Rites as well as special prayer services all within the framework of the annual liturgical cycle. We are seeking a candidate who is very familiar with Roman Catholic Liturgy with five years experience working in a parish or other setting as a musician/accompanist and choir leader.
Qualified candidates will have well developed liturgical/pastoral sensitivity, excellent communication/collaboration skills, degree in music and piano/organ skills.
For more information visit our employment page at Send cover letter and resume to: Adrian Dominican Sisters 1257 E. Siena Heights Drive Adrian, MI 49221 Email:
MARYKNOLL LAY MISSIONERS: a Catholic, international mission/non-profit organization, serving in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, seeks an Executive Director who will have the unique opportunity to effect and shape global mission for the 21st century, while animating a vision of Catholic Mission that is transformative in its solidarity with economically poor, marginalized people. This person will have overall responsibility for ministries, mission locations, local staff, and for expansion and execution of its overall mission. Position open until filled. For complete Position Description visit our web site at
Letters of interest, CVs, or questions can be submitted toBBanovich@MKLM.ORG
The Sisters of the Precious Blood and Missionaries of the Precious Blood are seeking a coordinator of Peace, Justice and Ecology Ministryto promote the mission of both the Sisters of the Precious Blood and the Cincinnati Province of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood through education, advocacy and action on issues of justice responding to the needs of our times.
The coordinator will be a passionate advocate for systemic change, who will work and collaborate closely with the Precious Blood communities. He/she will represent the Sisters and the Missionaries by networking and participating with local, state and national organizations relevant to social justice in keeping with the priorities of the Congregation and the Province. He/she will serve as a resource person to educate and provide opportunities that will lead the Sisters and Missionaries to a deeper understanding of the root causes of injustice that undermine peace and environmental sustainability.
Applicant must have a bachelor’s degree in theology, social work or a related field, or a minimum of three years’ experience in social justice advocacy or direct service to the poor, marginalized and excluded. He/she must have experience in organizing and educating around justice issues, strong interpersonal and networking skills. Must have experience working within the Catholic Church and a willingness to learn, respect and work within the charism and mission of the two Communities.
Position is full time (37-40 hours per week including some evenings or weekends,) salaried with benefits. The applicant works independently of daily supervision and is responsible to the President of the Sisters of the Precious Blood and the Provincial Director of the Cincinnati Province of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood.
Send resume and contact information for references to Sr. Nancy McMullen
4000 Denlinger Rd., Dayton, Ohio 45426.
Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry:
Saint Mark the Evangelist, Birmingham, AL 1200 family seeks full time Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry. Director will build upon existing Religious Education program, supervise youth ministers and initiate a family dimension. Full benefits offered. Job description available. Submit resume to by March 7
Canon Law 101 – Nine online sessions. More Info:
Religious Studies Teacher, Upper and/or Middle School level
Marymount School of New York seeks a teacher of religious studies for middle and/or upper school students to work closely to support the campus ministry program and prepare students for leadership roles in Masses, liturgies, retreats, and service opportunities. Religious studies faculty also support our sacramental program and foster a sense of Catholic values and rituals among girls of various faith traditions, aged 10-18. Teaching experience and/or Catholic parish youth ministry experience is preferred. A master’s degree in theology, divinity, or equivalent required.
To apply: Please email a copy of a current résumé, a cover letter, and a statement of educational philosophy to All files must be clearly labeled with the candidate's last name. Please indicate the position for which you are applying in the subject line. No phone calls or faxes please.