The Archdiocese of New York confirmed today that Cardinal Timothy Dolan has accepted an invitation to offer the closing prayer at the Democratic National Convention, thus confirming roles for the head of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops at both political conventions.
Some on the right have declared victory over those who expressed concerned at Dolan’s appearance at the RNC, claiming that his prayers in Charlotte next month neutralizes concerns over those he will offer in Tampa later this week. And on one hand, Dolan’s appearance can be seen as an honor for Catholics, with one of our more prominent leaders being so in demand that he secured spots at rival events.
But does the church run the risk of losing something by appearing and acting so hyper-political this year?
The Catholic Church is called to be a prophetic voice in society, speaking for the marginalized, the voiceless, and the oppressed. It must comment on great moral issues, and take on the powerful when appropriate. But it cannot align itself too closely either political party, partisan politics, or, perhaps, national political conventions.
Perhaps in previous election cycles, an archbishop speaking at both conventions wouldn’t be controversial; perhaps it might even be cause for celebration. But recently, many bishops have become so partisan, nodding and winking as they effectively endorse the GOP. Perhaps sitting out these conventions would have been wise. If Cardinal Dolan really believes he is just “a priest going to pray,” sending a priest who hasn’t been at the fore in attacking the White House may have sufficed.
Cardinal Dolan and some of his brother bishops are suing the Obama Administration; they have held weeks long protests against his policies; and they have spokenglowingly about Paul Ryan in the press. When he agreed to bless the GOP convention, Dolan was seemingly giving his imprimatur to the Romney campaign. A brief appearance at the DNC won’t nullify this perception. In fact, might some question the Cardinal’s motivations, or his sincerity? Will others see in these appearances a desire for the church to amass even more political capital? And most importantly, do these appearances and the ensuing controversy help or hinder the church’s mission?
It will be interesting indeed to see if Cardinal Dolan is booed at the DNC. That would at least serve one purpose: it would make clear to all Americans whether the animus President Obama has shown to the church by the variety of actions he has taken against it represents his personal position and a minority portion of the extreme left of the party or is a position indicative of the majority of Democrats. I for one would like that to be clarified for all prior to the election.
While the human lives lost to the fertility clinics is a tragedy, I don't know what legal standing a concerned group would have that would enable them to "rescue" them, any more than existed prior to the hurricane. Until progress is made reversing Roe/Wade, probably as little as these lost labratory children might represent of the million or so aborted here annually by the everyday means. Yet as we have recently had a big hubub concerning changes in the English translation of the liturgy, it would be interesting to anticipate how a new translation of the New Testament by certain
theologians might flesh out. "Joseph, I am with zygote," maybe? That might better serve the post-Christian, New Age Spirituality some who recently left the LCWR apparently desire.
I don't think the country is ready to give power back to the Republicans after the disaster that was the George W. Bush presidency, but they actually have a fair shot after President Obama has proven to be, time and time again, a manipulative incompetent which has concentrated even more illegal power than his predecessor.
The Church would be wise not to perceived as a component in the two-party political system that seems destined to train-wreck the United States, and the world with it, in the not distant future.
Speaker of the House ohn Boehner introduced the Cardinal with the reminder that a "preferential options for the poor" is not a preferential option for big goverenment. Very apt. To hear the polemics of many Catholci theology faculty one would never think that Mitt Romney or Payul Ryan had any moral legitamcy or reason for their plans to correct the serious economic problems of society.
So now we know.we know the basics: It's OK for Catholics not to not vot?e for ?Obama ??a?n?d? ?i?t? ?i?s? ??O?K? ?for Catholics ?t?o? ?v?o?t?e? ?f?o?r? ???M?I?t?t? ????????????R?o?m??e?n?y? ?a?n?d? ???P?a?u?l? ??R?y?a?n???.? ??
Could the author please tell us what is more prophetic than opposing the innocent lives sacrificed each year via abortion - with 98% due to issues of convenience/"choice".
What is more prophetic than opposite the sacrifice of children to false idols?
(I realize this is an embarrassing/unwanted question for urbane, liberal types)
@ Dave - Amen, indeed.
An interesting comment from Mr. O'Loughlin. Let's keep it in mind as America's election coverage unravels over the next few months. I know they won't show any love for the Republicans, but the Democrats? We shall see if the "non-alignment" truly applies.
"God help our nation and the world. Amen."
The Democrates are underestimating the intensity of hosility toward pro-life and religious groups. For example the Drudge Reports tonight says that one actress publically expressed that she hoped the pro-life and other groups at the Republican convention drown in the Hurricane Issac. The Democratic convention has a very divisive theme that could provoke anti-religious hostility at the Democratic convention.
That Cardinal Dolan objects elsewhere to the openly hostile actions President Obama has taken against the Church, from forcing it to fund birth control and abortifacients against the free expression of its beliefs, for which the president was excoriated by his own liberal supporters such as Paul Shields, to fighting to deny needy inner city children the vouchers to attend among other options parochial schools which have proven to offer them far better chances of graduation, should not be taken as indications that the Cardinal opposes all the positions of the party. It is possible to oppose such actions of the president while supporting the objectives of the party in other instances.
And praying for it in all instances.
I am a practicing Catholic, as devout as any in Boston, but I do not want to live in a Catholic country. Catholic countries are distinguished by incompetence, corruption, high tolerance for brutality and low moral and intellectual standards. As far as I know, all of the really prosperous and humane countries on Earth are post-Protestant and secular. Mitt Romney is a fine candidate; his party should not try to make him look like the return of Silvio Berlusconi.
Obviously, it is utterly reprehensible and inconsonant with Christian charity to wish for our dear Republican Catholic brethren to drown in hurricane Isaac. But if the city is evacuated, let's watch what they do: if they all run to the fertility clinics and rescue the preborn zygotes, we'll know they're not hypocrites; if they run to the kindergartens and rescue the children, they should stop pretending abortion is a bigger life issue than health care.
I do find it surprising that the people commenting here equate Dolan's presence with abortion as if that were the only issue with religious foundations. Granted, it has more to do with religious belief than science to want to save every fertilized human egg, while caring for the poor and ill or public safety can be approached from various directions, but Cardinal Dolan, one hopes, is not going there to give a stamp of approval, but to prompt consciences into deeper consideration of all issues.
"Thanks for the speech, Cardinal. Now that you've established that we embrace Catholics, get the hell out of here, you misogynistic, bigot."
This will be the convention of the rest of American, not the compliant theocon theopublican Republicath rabble.