When I began writing for "In All Things" in the Spring, I hoped to get across a few ideas on psychology and Catholicism, but the task has grown greater and more enjoyable. I'm very grateful for everyone who has read my thoughts, offered responses and challenges, and shown interest in other topics placed here for your review. Thanks to Tim Reidy for his helpfulness in shaping ideas and bringing them out with clarity as well as everyone at AMERICA for hosting me here.
Merry Christmas to everyone! And may God's graces flow to all who, like St. Joseph the foster father, Mary during her years alone, or St. Vincent de Paul care for orphans, widows, or members of their own families who need them physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
Bill Van Ornum
A very Merry Christmas to you as well!
The Church looks great! Keep reading. bill
You are welcome. mc amdg hny2011 2u bvo
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