Some thoughts "On the International Day to Eradicate Poverty" from Joe Donnelly of Caritas Internationalis:
The MDGs are still here.
They keep coming up.
They're informing many.
They're disturbing others.
They speak from people everywhere.
They're demanding our attention.
Tomorrow is today; now is forever!
Today - the voices of the poorest of the poor.
Today - the mothers, grandmothers.
Today - farmers, fathers, factory workers.
Today - new borns into extreme poverty.
Today - young people seeking our solidarity.
Today - smart caring local/global voices.
Today - can no more be yesterday!
Ravi...this is a very important day.
Maryann...reactions to poverty humiliate.
John...these MDGs remain imperative call
Marta...peace is synonym for development.
Sering...she is a powerful voice for sure.
Amina...I see it everywhere I go., me, them, all, no one left behind.
DEVELOPMENT - with dignity for all
PARTICIPATION - as equal partners
PEACE - more than absence of war
SECURITY - one human family protected
TECHNOLOGY - access to services
VOICES - the world WE want
INEQUALITIES - confront discrimination
India speaking...Uganda listening
El Salvador speaking...Afghanistan listening
Boston USA speaking...Zimbabwe listening
Excluded Included speaking...listening too!
Ghana speaking...Brussels listening.
Gaza speaking...Kosovo listening
Sri Lanka speaking...CAR listening
Reminding the world our global home.
We, the peoples, must leave no one behind.
Hear me. See me. Accept me—include me.
Poverty can catch anyone all anywhere!
Yes, embrace them and their dignity now.
Facing the challenges very near, very far.
Individuals, indigenous, invisible no more.
Everyone one of us...
Can stretch out our hands...
And touch poverty...
Open our ears...
And hear human beings ALIVE...
Searching with us to do more...
TO BE MORE for each other and all...
How many people are living in poverty?
How can we young people help the poor?
How can we eliminate extreme wealth?
How much can be done to share water?
How can we address discrimination?
How many more meetings without action?
How can we change the world we have?
We can do better together.
We must do better—sooner than later.
We will work together not only talk.
Beyond alienation...
With practical education...
With bolder commitments investments...
Recognizing all rights for all people!
As Juan Carlos of LA said this summer:
"UN - I don't want to be more anymore!
Please help me help my community..."
As Adele cried out in Central Africa:
" See me. Hear me. Respect me.
Please don't ever ever forget me—please!"
Take me home with you.
Jcdonnelly: 10/17/13
caritas internationalis