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James Martin, S.J.February 01, 2011

A great piece by John Allen in NCR on the five most common reasons that a candidate for sainthood is fast-tracked.  The biggest surprise is how many have been expedited since the reforms in the canonization procedures were first introduced.  Read his five reasons here.

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13 years 5 months ago
We all fall short of the glory of God; however, don't the teachings of the Church remain constant? Christ is our standard, not sin, right?
13 years 5 months ago
Our joy, indeed.
13 years 5 months ago
"It’s also striking that of the 20 fast-track cases, 12 have been women. That’s arguably related to an effort by officialdom to counter perceptions that the Catholic church is hostile to women".

Not holiness? Merely political strategems? Sometimes methinks we are a little overly cynical...
david power
13 years 5 months ago
Maria ,it is sad to say but when you have had experience of Bishops and the Vatican etc you become aware that it is not really cynical but just an acknowledgement of how far the Church is from the heart of Jesus in those circles. Abbe Pierre will never be made a saint even if he was by far the most beloved Frenchman of the 20th Century. A great friend of the poor and a man who struggled to be close to God.Why not? He openly criticized Pope John Paul. He admitted to weaknesses with regards women. He is not plastic enough... 
I am hoping that some journalist somewhere will make it his business to follow up more closely on miracles attributed to some future blesseds.If there  is heat on there will be less chance that they will be pulling out another French nun .If the fix is in,I am convinced it is, they will be scouting already for the next "miracle". Now if God is going to do a miracle ,give us a sign as Jesus would say in reproach to those who lacked Faith He can do Big ones. Curing somebody of Aids,that would be divine. My money is on a minor miracle and one that is pushed through. We all know Holy Priests,but most of us also know the charlatans and my guess is that God is going to pull the rug on them in the near future.

He might also pull it from underneath me as He does on a daily basis .      
13 years 5 months ago
Hence, some conservatives have criticized his support to the ordination of women,[25] and married clergy, stances which — according to BBC allegations — have made him popular among the French population.[18] In his book Mon Dieu... pourquoi? (God... Why?, 2005), co-written with Frédéric Lenoir, he implicitly admitted once having had casual sex with a woman despite his vow of clerical celibacy in the Capuchin Order.[26][27] The book also supports parenting and adoption by homosexual couples, but does not support same-sex marriage. The Abbé also opposed the Pope's policy against contraceptives concerning the AIDS pandemic.[12] 

DavidL Don't Saints have to accpet the teachings of the Church?
david power
13 years 5 months ago
Maria ,

I am not saying that he was a Saint.Just a very popular guy.That is not enough to be a Saint .Do we at least agree on that? Abbe Pierre failed in his vow of chastity but "turned again" and was healed as Jesus said. My point was that he will never be declared a Saint because he ruffled feathers and did not play the game. St Paul opposed the Papal teaching on how to treat Gentiles. What about using Church money to build a swimming pool for yourself?The first Pope killed people for misusing church funds .Maria ,do you think that contradicts the teaching of Christ?Kissing the Koran?Would that be bona fide catholicism for you? How do you square these things with your positivism towards the magisterium?If your standards were kept Maria the Roman hotels would be a lot cheaper on the 1st of May.  Do you make papal exceptions to breaking the rules Maria?

When you have answered these questions let us both praise Jesus .  
david power
13 years 5 months ago
Christ should be our focus.
 Agreed.The teachings of the Church are important but there is the risk of them occupying the hearts of believers more than the Lord Himself.
 The simple friendship with Jesus can be replaced with a complex moral system which is really only a means to power for those Churchmen who are really at heart only moralists and would struggle to spell mercy or compassion or else would measure it out in a miserly fashion.
I agree with all Church teachings including the teaching on Contraception but those who have no sense of the love of Christ will have very little reason to make sacrifices.
Pope Benedict is trying to restore this sense ,this simplicity in the faith and that it not be a moral olympics that we are engaged in but an encounter with Jesus Christ son of Mary a man filled with more humanity than all of us together.
 Those who set themselves up as holy men while they covered for pedophiles should not  take the place of Jesus Christ.  
Abbe Pierre was probably the only Priest of the past 30 years who willingly confessed that he broke the vow of Chastity. He did not fear the Truth. This type of Priest is rare. This type of Priest has been unheard of for a long time.

Anyway Maria, we agree that it is Jesus Christ who is our Joy.

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