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Faith in Focus
Joseph A. Lagan
The turn in spirit is inevitable, a sudden ambivalence. Longing for a few hours without the kids, I rush around the house preparing the children for a day with a care provider other than myself. With eager anticipation I spread the peanut butter and jelly. I wash the breakfast dishes, pack extra clo
Faith in Focus
Alma Roberts Giordan
I am a slothful pray-er. At Mass I pray standing up, kneeling or sitting along with the flock. But at home I seem to pray more earnestly—in a prone position. Sheer laziness, probably, but I rationalize the act by assuring myself that God doesn’t mind. The posture isn’t important, n
Faith in Focus
Lorraine V. Murray
The other day a friend called to tell me her newborn boy had been rushed to the hospital. The doctors had discovered a serious heart defect. "What can I do?" I immediately asked. The answer was simple enough. She needed companionship as she camped out day and night in the I.C.U. waiting ro
Faith in Focus
Amy L. Florian
I smiled at John, lying on the couch with 7-month-old Carl sleeping on his stomach. Following two difficult miscarriages, Carl’s birth was truly a miracle for us, and we reveled in the wonder of our child. John noted my gaze and quietly whispered, "Amy, if I ever die, make sure you tell C
A couple attends a candlelight vigil at the Columbine Memorial in Clement Park in Littleton, Colo., April 19, 2009, the eve of the 10th anniversary of tragic shootings at Columbine High School. (CNS photo/James Baca, Denver Catholic Register) 
FaithFaith in Focus
Kathy Coffey
Perhaps the N.R.A. has met its match. All the money in the world cannot contend with the rage of a mother torn from her child.
Faith in Focus
Lorraine V. Murray
I stepped gingerly into the room. It was only my third week volunteering at the nursing home, and I was still very unsure of myself. A curtain enclosed the bed, and a fan slowly moved its head back and forth, lazily stirring the air and muffling all sounds. I gently pushed aside the curtain and peek