For Passion Week, America presents two slide shows spotlighting the Holy Triduum in two very different parts of the world: Scottsdale, Arizona and the Cuzco area of Peru.
In 2009 America's editors reflected on the season in light of the seven cardinal virtues and their opposing vices.
"The Smiling Christ," Peter Schineller, S.J.
"A Little Patience," Patricia A. Kossmann
"Bon Appetit!" Karen Sue Smith
"Charity As Cure," George M. Anderson
"Try a Little Kindness," Peter Schineller, S.J.
"A Sorrowful Joy,"James Martin, S.J.
In addition, these essays from our Books & Culture section use artwork as a way to meditate on the Lenten and Easter season.
"The Everyday Cross,"Leo O'Donovan, S.J.
"Jesus the Prisoner," John Coleman, S.J.
"Christ in the Garden," Franco Mormando
"Contemporary Crucifixion," Karen Sue Smith