Once again the fate of the president’s signature domestic achievement is in the hands of the chief justice of the United States. That was clear enough last week when the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of King v. Burwell, the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act of 2010.
Health Care RhetoricRe “A Sense of Solidarity,” by Kevin P. Quinn, S.J. (3/2): I was very disturbed by the generalization and characterization of “most, if not all, conservative opposition” in the review of Health Care as a Social Good, by David M. Craig. The implication is t
Status UpdateReaders respond to the passing on Feb. 26 of Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., former president of the University of Notre Dame and one of the most influential Catholic priests in the history of the church in the United States.Father Ted shaped my alma mater and by so doing shaped my life. He
For the Christian, reports of prison scandals recall images of Jesus the prisoner.
‘What can possibly make a difference in these kids’ lives after all they have been through?” I asked. The director of the children’s shelter we were visiting that Sunday morning took her finger off the “enter” button she was using to flick through a PowerPoint pre
Let us not chide Cardinal Newman for writing in the middle of the 19th century instead of the middle of the 20th. But also let us not assume that what he had to say then had absolute and unconditioned validity for all such institutions in all times.
'Occupy Spirituality' by Adam Bucko and 'From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart' by Chris Haw