Chris HerlingerSeptember 29, 2015
'Redeployment,' by Phil Klay; 'Green on Blue,' by Elliot Ackerman; 'The Corpse Exhibition,' by Hasan Blasim
Vincent GaitleySeptember 29, 2015
As Eddie Fisher catches fire, diamonds draw flame;Scotch tumbles over rims like water in wellsPrecious stones ring; like each pearl string, eight grooms hung bells.Bows on blue-boxed Tiffany tongues thank your name;Mere mortals, fans all, clamor and glamour becomes one same:Celebrity, fashion, light
The Word
John W. MartensSeptember 29, 2015
“Whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all.” (Mk 10:44)
Nathan SchneiderSeptember 29, 2015
The idea of basic income has been catching on in tech culture lately.