The challenge is to rise from having empathy for a few to having empathy for many.
“Like a Loving Mother” from Pope Francis addresses clerical sexual abuse in a systemic and holistic way.
“Pope Francis is not wrong to say that Catholics and Lutherans share much in common relative to Eucharistic Faith.”
The blueprint for Pope Francis' pontificate has from the very first instant been Vatican II.
Brexit reveals the radical shift in our politics, one we ignore at our peril.
Church WallsI could not agree more with Matt Malone, S.J., when he writes, “It will also be useful to have in Washington a diplomat who represents the vicar of Christ, the one who breaks down walls” (Of Many Things, 6/20). I only wish the church had not built so many during its long tenu
Brexit revealed a fundamental divide between the political, financial and journalistic leaders of the United Kingdom and the society they putatively lead.