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May 2, 2016

Vol. 214 / No. 15

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Current Comment
The EditorsApril 21, 2016

President Obama has extended more pardons than his six predecessors combined.

Philosopher's Notebook
John J. Conley, S.J.April 21, 2016

Francis appeals to the visual sense for understanding authentic love.

Signs Of the Times
Gerard O’ConnellApril 21, 2016

Pope Francis brought a message of love and inclusion during his five-hour visit to the Greek island of Lesbos on April 16 in a way that resonated across the world. And in what has become typical for this papacy, he did so by both words and gestures.While the decision to take three Syrian refugee fam

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant on the Hudson River (Wikicommons).
Signs Of the Times
Kevin ClarkeApril 21, 2016

Millions of New Yorkers presumably would have to be evacuated in the event of a major accident at the nuclear facility.

Signs Of the Times

Religious nonprofits challenging their participation in the contraceptive mandate under the Affordable Care Act filed a legal brief on April 12 that could end the standoff with the Obama administration. In the brief, objectors to the mandate agreed with a U.S. Supreme Court proposal that such covera

Signs Of the Times

The fight against H.I.V./AIDS is being hampered by a continued stigma on those who are infected, a lack of access to appropriate medical care and fake antiretroviral drugs pedaled on the black market, said activists taking part in a Caritas Internationalis conference. Caritas brought together repres

Signs Of the Times

Church officials in Pakistan have backed a government plea to the international community not to demonize all Muslims because of acts of terrorism committed by a few extremists. Negative news and publicity against Muslims by the Western media are helping extremists fuel hatred against Muslims worldw