To recognize the specific rights of disadvantaged people is to affirm God's love for all people.
Wherever you stand on the matter, it's clear that the church teaching on ordination represents a problem for evangelization.
Long before Pope Francis earned the nickname, St. John Paul II was known as “the people’s pope.” St. John Paul II recognized the value of modern travel and mass media in spreading the Gospel and a global message of good will.
The Gaffigans have produced comedy specials, best-selling books and five children. They even survived a brain tumor. What have you done lately?
Review of Ross Douthat's latest book, "To Change the Church." While the church always strives to honor what Jesus said about divorce and remarriage, it has made pastoral accommodations since its earliest days.
With Crispina and Her Sisters, Christine Schenk, C.S.J., has performed a singular service in making accessible additional sources about early Christian women.
The familiarity of the language and the story in Andrew Krivák’s "The Signal Flame" is an homage to how people, be they siblings, friends, sons and fathers, mothers and sons or sons and lovers, communicate with each other, by word or gesture.