Each day brings not only further confusion but also growing demands for a “people’s vote”: a second referendum on E.U. membership or at least a plebiscite on whatever exit deal, if any, this hapless government manages to negotiate.
When allegations first surfaced regarding then-Cardinal McCarrick last month, some church officials called for new regulations and policies that apply to charges of misconduct and mismanagement against bishops. But in his letter, Bishop Scharfenberger said such changes alone will not be enough to
“The huge thing,” she said, is the recognition by the church of “the inviolable dignity even of guilty people who have done terrible crimes.”
Economic freedom can be morally, not just materially, empowering.
The militant Islamist group Boko Haram has decimated villages in northern Nigeria, but Catholic parishioners remain faithful and courageous.
If you are a young mom or dad, struggling with your kids at church: Take heart. You are not alone.
A man pursuing the diaconate must see his desire to serve as a true vocation.