Suggesting that people who struggle with their mental health are likely to be violent is dangerous, especially when people with disabilities are more likely to be the victims of violence than perpetrators.
Developments on the Korean peninsula have inspired a degree of shock and awe in diplomatic circles.
Going to the margins to provide health services does not always earn Catholic hospitals praise; sometimes it provokes unfriendly scrutiny.
As states continue to close large state-run institutions designed to house large numbers of people with cognitive disabilities, the United States faces a new crisis: a shortage of new nonprofit group homes.
Pope Francis advocates for the consistent ethic of life in a throwaway culture. Like Cardinal Bernardin many years ago, he defends the sanctity of life at every stage and in every situation.
By enrolling in a largely pro-choice public health program I was able to articulate a pro-life vision that I could truly believe in.
What if we could make economics uninteresting again?