As dawn broke after polling day, it was clear that the Boris Johnson earthquake had shattered the “red wall” of Labour strongholds across north Wales and in England’s northwest, Midlands and northeast.
The increasing number of fatal acts of police are among the emerging concerns addressed by the Pastoral of Favelas, an archdiocesan commission created 42 years ago to respond to the needs of Rio’s slum dwellers.
Wells of Hope also is building homes for those in the community.
Again and again I have watched Californians find a way beyond the categories they are supposed to occupy.
Psalm 137 reflects my longing to return home, even as I am aware that I have idealized it in my earnest efforts to not forget it.
We should be fearless in making clear that tolerating clergy sexual abuse stands in total contradiction to the core of the Gospel message.
One who is blind from birth will always be blind. That is what my medical training teaches me. My faith, however, gives me hope for a different outcome.