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The Scandal of Human Trafficking

June 22, 2020

Vol. 222 / No. 14

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A memorial service for George Floyd at North Central University, in Minneapolis, on June 4, 2020. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)
Politics & Society Dispatches
Kevin ClarkeJune 12, 2020

Minneapolis police have used force against African-American residents seven times more often than against white residents over the past five years, reports Kevin Clarke.

Politics & Society Features
Isabelle SenechalJune 12, 2020

Human trafficking is a dark and complex subject, but the situation is not without hope.

Faith Features
J.D. Long GarcíaJune 12, 2020

New ministries are trying to help Latino L.G.B.T. Catholics and their families understand each other by working at the intersection of faith, culture and sexuality, reports J.D. Long-García. The first step is talking openly and honestly.

Faith Faith and Reason
Blase J. CupichMay 26, 2020

For the Catholic community, the penetrating vision of the Second Vatican Council identifies a clear pathway of public engagement and conscience formation.

Faith Faith in Focus
Patricia ChadwickMay 06, 2020

Telling my story might have been impaired had I approached it from the point of view of describing a cult. That was for the audience to discern and for me, ultimately, to accept.

Hamid Hamido/Unsplash
Arts & Culture Ideas
Elyse DurhamJune 12, 2020

To a world in upheaval, ballet is an emblem of calmer times.

Arts & Culture Books

Nualy Kenny's new book on clergy sex abuse reminds us there are solutions to this deep crisis that need to be implemented with urgency.