The United States is not the only nation struggling with the problem of outspoken priests becoming entangled with the partisan politics of the day.
“This is a time to say, ‘Yes, let’s speak about the hunger...for the presence of God.’ This is the moment, and I think the bishops want to do that. But some of our pastoral leaders are making it difficult.”
America asked the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University to survey Catholics nationwide about their understanding of the sexual abuse crisis, its emotional impact and how it has affected their faith.
The church can be a transformative force by standing with the powerless and vulnerable today as it did during the fall of Communism.
Given all the challenges facing the Catholic Church in our country, we are far overdue for a moment in which the bishops, clergy, religious and lay faithful of our country can discern together how to be the people of God in our time and place.
Just because others have it worse than I do doesn't mean I should avoid my struggles.