A team of America Media reporters contacted all 196 “particular churches” in the United States and was able to confirm the appointment of 62 local synod coordinators.
Criminals “are not dangerous people. They are only people who are not sufficiently loved.”
Nothing will change the church more profoundly than the color green ceasing to be ordinary.
In a generation known to shun commitments, these women are embracing lifelong vows.
If we are to differ intelligently and temperately, we must first share a great deal in common. Today, though, claims and counter-claims are made as if they were vindicated by the mere vehemence of their assertion.
They were intent on responding with mercy to a crisis that at the time showed no signs of slowing.
One of the best parts of Christmas is hearing about how other people celebrate it. And in Venezuela, they have all-night roller skating, which ends with everyone skating to Mass at dawn.