Why is it this way? It is the child’s most basic question, dealing with the most bewildering thing of all.
Tolkien's fiction reminds us that power cannot be controlled; it enslaves you. To act freely is to acknowledge your limits, to see the journey as a long road that includes dozens of future elections, and to fight against the temptation for power.
Anglican theologian and biblical scholar N. T. Wright argues that the only way to real understanding is the revelation of God in Jesus Christ.
David Tracy's two-columns collection of previously published essays present a compelling argument for the value of theology in today's troubled world.
Arthur Laffin, a longtime peace activist and practitioner of Gospel nonviolence, addresses the threat of nuclear war—and what should be done about it.
Benedict’s rule—particularly the commitment to stability—offers a way of communal life that can accommodate difference and authentically renew any culture in which Christians find themselves.
A new book of essays on the Catholic Church in China ably captures the evolving turmoil the church faces in a complicated situation.