Through all the triumphs and tragedies of the church in its American pilgrimage, we kept the faith; we helped others to find their faith again.
In October, America Media released a groundbreaking documentary meant to deepen the ongoing conversation about the Catholic Church in the United States.
For the Christian, hope is the virtue that lives where optimism claims to abide: trust in the assurance of God’s fidelity and the belief that we can participate in God’s faithful action in the world.
More employers are promising to cover the costs of getting an abortion. They do not seem as eager to to expand paid parental leave and other benefits for workers who want children.
There is much speculation about how Pope Francis and Giorgia Meloni, the future prime minister of Italy, will relate to each other. Their positions on the migrant question appear to be diametrically opposed.
A new study on the well-being of U.S. Catholic priests found that most support a zero-tolerance policy against child sex abuse but do not trust that their bishop would support them in the face of a false allegation.
Separatists are demanding a $50,000 ransom for the release of their victims.