You need not worry that I will be outsourcing “Of Many Things” columns to our robot overlords in the future.
Readers respond to Father Sam Sawyer's article about how St. Ignatius' ideas could offer a way out of current ecclesial, cultural and political polarization.
The crisis for teens is both psychological and spiritual, and it demands a response from both mental health and faith communities. How do we make our church again a place of belonging for young people who are hurting?
At one time, the British king and U.S. president had similar roles in their nations. But the British system evolved while the United States still has a president that is too powerful and too difficult to remove.
Long before the earthquakes in February, the viability of the Christian community in Samandag had been under cultural and economic threat. Many from the city’s minority Christian community had already departed, seeking economic or educational opportunities elsewhere.
Pope Francis told the Latin American church leaders, “Anyone who lessens the impact of this history or minimizes the current danger dishonors those who have suffered so much and deceives those they claim to serve.”
Extremist and criminal violence is on the rise across Northern Africa from Somalia to Nigeria as local security forces face off against gangs and insurgencies they are often ill-equipped to contain.