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Tom BeaudoinSeptember 21, 2009

A lot of readers of this blog are interested in or involved with lay ministry, and the Graduate School of Religion here at Fordham (where I teach) has sponsored two conferences in the last two years on this topic, focusing in particular on diving more deeply into "Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord."

There is a third conference coming up this Friday, titled "Cause for Rejoicing: Continuing Reflection on Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord." Information about the program is here. Michael Horan and Zeni Fox will be giving the main addresses, and several Graduate School faculty will be offering workshops as well. It promises to be a relaxing but focused time to take in recent developments in thought and practice regarding lay ecclesial ministry. We look forward to hosting many friends and colleagues from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and beyond. It doesn't hurt that we've been having gorgeous weather and the Rose Hill campus is looking beautiful as fall slowly settles in. See many of you on Friday...

Tom Beaudoin

New York City

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