FaithThe Living Word
A revolution has taken place in the Roman Catholic Church’s understanding of the Bible.
The Good Word
There are so many passages in the Bible that lend themselves to the development of an ecojustice perspective Such a section is found in the Wisdom of Solomon a relatively little known and even less frequently cited source of ancient Israelite wisdom It is a reinterpretation of an earlier traditio
The Good Word
The affinity of creation theology to the wisdom tradition of Israel has long been recognized However in such study creation regularly has been considered one theme among many and usually one of secondary importance rather than the basis of all theology as is proposed here Furthermore when not d
The Good Word
In his poem Desiderata Max Ehrmann states You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars People today have come to see that they are not over and against nature but embedded in it in the very creative matrix that has given them life and that continues to give l
The Good Word
Many people who are committed to social justice may still overlook what has come to be called ecojustice They do not realize that living in harmony with the natural world is fundamental to living in harmony with other people It is very clear that most of the wars fought are over land and or contro
The Good Word
Over the years the biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann has written extensively on various Old Testament topics Among his favorite subjects is the prophet Jeremiah Fifteen of his articles on the subject have been collected in Like Fire in the Bones Listening to the Prophetic Word in Jeremiah P
Arts & CultureBooks
Megan McKenna is a storyteller Even when she interprets someone else rsquo s story she uses the medium of story to do so In On Your Mark she tells a story about a Gospel story about Jesus By employing the familiar summons to a race mdash ldquo On your mark Get set Go rdquo mdash she conveys
The Word
quot Let all be at peace rdquo This phrase from the Rule of St Benedict envisions a situation in which all members of the community are free of anxiety receiving what they need This understanding of peace corresponds with the biblical concept referred to on the Thirty-second Sunday ldquo a l
FaithThe Word
One is amazed by the results of an Internet search for the phrase ldquo use it or lose it rdquo The listing is easily a seven-figure number A good portion of this listing deals with issues like free speech brain function and muscle tone to name but a few These are excellent examples for it i