Elaine Pagels' new book reads the Book of Revelation as wartime literature.
Robert Bellah has shaped the way in which we think of the roles of religion in modern society.
James H. Charlesworth's new book is a massive study of snake symbolism across several millennia.
Scriptural understanding has flourished since Vatican II, but challenges remain.
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Professor Bart Ehrman chair of the religious studies department at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill has written a widely used introduction to the New Testament and many books about early Christianity The Learning Company runs full-page ads in The New York Times Book Review for his l
A New Testament Scholar demystifies the newly popular Gnostic text.
One might approach this book as a field guide to the multiple species of church or early Christian assembly to be found in the New Testament The text remains rooted in the world of first-century Christianity The Rev Raymond Collins professor of New Testament at The Catholic University of America
There are Ph D dissertations yet to be written on religion according to Bill Moyers and the liberal intellectuals of Public Television When they are Professor Elaine Pagels of Princeton University will figure prominently as one of their well-known talking heads Her earlier books The Gnostic Gos